Home PCGS Set Registry Forum

Getting Tired of Advertising For Ebay and TT on this Board

I'm getting very annoyed with people using this board to tell us about what they are offering on Ebay or Teletrade (DRG take note). I pledge that I will no longer look at pieces advertised in this way. We have the buy, sell, trade board for that kind of advertising.

Yes, we have agreed to let members offer registry material here. In fact I am an advocate of that. However, these people are not offering coins to us, just spamming us with advertising.

Am I off base here?



  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    When I see that kind of post on this board, I kinda smile and think "oh brother". Does it bother me, no. Do I think it is appropriate, no.
  • SpoolySpooly Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭
    Greg it's a fine line. I don't mind members-collectors or members-Dealers listing coins here. (Dealers) Wondercoin.... Supercoin......WH.......ect.... Collectors with Registry sets selling extras. These people are active members.

    But the spammers that come here to list coins "only" do rub me the wrong way. If you want to sell here.... become a "real member" and make posts.

    I am not say they can't do it............ But I agree with Greg.... I won't give them the time of day!
    Si vis pacem, para bellum

    In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
  • keithdagenkeithdagen Posts: 2,025

    OK, I see this companion thread. Actually, if you go back to the BST board, Dr. Golan offered many of his Ikes there first, and then listed them on E-Bay. I do that regularly, list here or BST board first, then on to E-Bay if no interest.

    I don't like to see someone come online and just link to a piece on Teletrade, never offering anything else to the board. Especially when members appeal for direct offer of the material here and are snubbed.
    Keith ™

  • ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,232 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I tend to agree with your thoughts, I get tired of ebay posts here...however I guess if I really needed a specific coin and I saw a note that the coin was on ebay I would be glad they had posted it....
    Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com
  • prooflikeprooflike Posts: 3,879 ✭✭
    What CU needs is a "Spam your ebay auctions" board.

  • Personally I like everything in it's place. I wish all offers were made on the B/S/T board. However I do look over there at least once a day so I wouln't miss anything. I can see how it might be too much for those looking for a top pop coin so am happy to live with hearing about one or two of those here from frequent contributers.
  • pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭
    I WILL BE SERVING YOU cheese with your whine image

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
  • LincolnCentManLincolnCentMan Posts: 5,347 ✭✭✭✭
    I agree with Spooly on this one.

    Personaly, I put all my offerings up in the buy/sell/trade board. If I had something that was of extream numismatic significance, I might post it in the registry page. It'd have to be one to salivate over, though.

  • TypetoneTypetone Posts: 1,621 ✭✭
    For real controversy, see the related comments on the 73 and 74 IKEs for sale post.

  • keithdagenkeithdagen Posts: 2,025

    I believe that you should look at the offering in question and judge it by two criteria:

    1. Does the member traditionally contribute knowledge to the board, or does the member traditionally contribute advertising.

    2. Does the member traditionally offer pieces here first before other avenues are explored.

    If the answers to both of these questions lean towards the board as opposed to advertisement, I think that the occasional link to auctions of material is appropriate, although like Greg, prefer it to be offered all at once. Too often, the BST board has so much material that nice stuff can fall through the cracks quickly without TTT'ing the post every 4 or 5 hours.
    Keith ™

  • Greg

    While I agree with you on the basic assumption that Items for sale should be posted on the BST board. There have been many posts on and about what to list on this board and REGISTERY QUALITY COINS have always been welcome on this board. This board was concieved as a forum for REGISTERY SETS and topics relating to them. We went through a whole lot of whatever on the US COIN forum about posting coins for sell ETC and many discussions when this forum was started. DRG is an active member of this forum and the coins he has listed are definately REGISTERY SET CALIBER COINS and he has done absolutely nothing wrong or against any rules in this post. While I dont collect SBAs or IKEs if I did I would sure like to know when where and how any were available and I expect that any Member with a Registery Set would like to be imformed when a Registery Quality Coin for their series is available.


  • TypetoneTypetone Posts: 1,621 ✭✭

    Well he is not offering anything for sale here. Just spamming. I agree that we agreed coins could be offered for sale here. But, I think most of us expressed a view that spams be frowned on whether from a regular or not. Certainly Mitch has been widely criticized for the practice, and has more or less abstained since. Of course, its a free country, and anyone can post whatever they want as long as PCGS agrees. However, I will also continue to freely express my view.

  • Greg

    I agree Mitch has had his share of critism on this forum and Mitch is probably one of the reasons the Registry Forum was invented as he was continously FLAMED on the US COIN FORUM. DRG had the coins posted on this forum and the BST board prior to listing on Ebay and I believe all he was doing was informing members where the coins are. There are some individuals that only come here to post coins for sale or inform members they have coins on TELETRADE and EBAY and do not post to any other topic on the forum absolutely these folks should be ignored and I will crusade with you on that. If you have a REGISTRY QUALITY COIN post it on the board with an asking price NOT MAKE AN OFFER OR TRY TO AUCTION THE COIN ON THIS FORUM that is what forum members should OBJECT TO.


  • cosmicdebriscosmicdebris Posts: 12,332 ✭✭✭
    How about a new forum: "SRQ Coins For Sale Forum"



  • SpoolySpooly Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭
    The difference is Wondercoin OFFERS the coins for sale here! I can buy it.... right here with a PM! Links to teletrade and e-bay....ALL THE TIME! Is driving me crazy!

    Plus Mitch posts other topics (Besides for sell posts) and debates with everyone on issues! He is a REAL Member!
    Si vis pacem, para bellum

    In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
  • Spooly

    Sucking up again. Does Mitch have something you need? image


  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,972 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I totally agree with Greg (well, I mainly agree with Spooly, but that is another point) image

    Seriously, I totally agree with Greg. Why spam here to offer nothing to forum members? Answer: To get your price up by asking forum members to look and bid it up. I have sold coin after coin to forum members on this board at prices WAY under current Teletrade and ebay auction prices. While folks still are a bit split on whether offering coins on this board is a good practice, offering nothing but "spam" is of no benefit on this board imho.

    But, another point. If s seller is going to use this board to offer up a coin, that seller is essentially doing all the work to sell the coin-right? Why in the world would a seller then want to pay up to 18% commissions (both ways) to have some other outfit sell the same coin being pushed here? It is crazy.

    My vote is sell your coins here or advertise them on the bst board. And, if you sell them here, you better price them cheap and the quality better be high!! image Wondercoin
    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • Mitch

    Sounds like you are sucking up to Spooly now. You have sold many High QUALITY coins on this forum to a lot of other Members and myself that were 30-40% below EBAY & TELETRADE prices and I for one appreciate your work. I may disagree on some other Topics but on this one we are on the same page image well heck I guess Im suckin up nowimage. Wheres my list of coins? and yes your prices are still to HIGH.imageimageimage


  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,972 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Wheres my list of coins?"

    Oops - I PM'ed it to Spooly yesterday by accident and he bought all the coins. Sorry, MS67+. Wondercoin imageimageimage
    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • dbldie55dbldie55 Posts: 7,731 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I agree with wondercoin is that bad? (would that be a first?) I had better just agree with Greg and Spooly. image

    With respect to DRG, if you read his posts, he was under the impression that giving these links is appropriate (and considering how often you see them, why would you think different). I know we argued the selling on this board when created, so I will not bring that up, but I do think this is different than selling to forum members and I don't know if this was mentioned then.

    Keith has an effective method anyways. He makes a link offering them for sale. Later he will update that thread saying they are now on Ebay (can do both in one thread)

    Besides, nobody even links to they type of coins I am looking for.

    (there was a thread on the US forum that was starting to address all of the links to ebay auctions on the BST board.)
    Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053
  • SpoolySpooly Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭
    (Sucking up again. Does Mitch have something you need?)

    Now that's funny! image
    Si vis pacem, para bellum

    In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,145 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think we're all in agreement? Coins that fit the need of this forum may be offered directly to us but coins that are simply linked to another site is off limits. -Sound fair?


  • Read the post "TOUGH TO MAKE REGISTRY QUALITY KENNEDYS" That is the type of post that does not belong on the Forum. misterR has never offered any kennedy for sale on the forum however every week he is plugging his kennedys for TELETRADE.


  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ............................POLL NEEDED>>>>>POLL NEEDED...............POLL NEEDED
      We have had No Polls for along Time. Now is The Time !!!
        1. I agree with the boys!!!
          Keep that "TRASH" to B/S/T. Keep Spam out of Reg. set forum.

          Just my thought.

        2. supercoinsupercoin Posts: 2,323
          I dunno, I'd rather see a link to an honest public auction than some bogus "P.O.R." or "offers considered" thing. image

          I do agree with those who find it irksome when someone's only contribution to the forum is advertisement. And there have also been some offerings of coins (directly and linked) that stretch "registry quality" quite a bit.

          But considering that people post "wow lookit this price realized" things here all the time, and links to others' live auctions, without objection, I'm not sure why a post to one's own auction is much different. Takes up the same amount of space, has the same potential to spark interesting conversation, and can serve a valuable purpose to forum members (both buying and selling).

          So my vote: Occasional links to "real" registry coin auctions by contributing forum members are ok by me.
        3. FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
          The KEY Word is OCCASIONAL IMO No One has a Problem with the Key Word
        4. Am I understanding correctly that the ablitity to create a advertisement thread on this fourm is based on the number of times a person POSTS? (frequent contributors?) An arbitrary target that allows anyone who is annoyed by a thread, topic or user to complain about and may cause to become the object of abuse? I am solidly for self-moderation and believe that we do a dam_ decent job of policing ourselves but is this any reason to publicly humiliate someone over as petty an issue as where they post a comment on a public forum? Even if this is the inappropriate venue, why would you beat someone over the head with it?

          What will kill a thread faster than a reply from Ritchie?
        5. I took a look at DRG's auctions on Ebay. I saw the '73 and '74 Ikes. I also saw the
          Narrow Rim, Wide Rim, and Small Star Variety SBAs. I didn't see anything wrong with
          what DRG did.
        6. IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
          ritchiewan, no you are not understanding correctly, as I stated earlier it doesn't bother me, I don't care. The point was not how many times you post, but is it all you do here. This is a registry forum, nothing wrong with mentioning you have coins for sale, but if that is all you do then I think it is fair to question the motive and I haven't accused him of only doing that.
        7. DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
          You're not off base Greg. Most of us sell coins on ebay, teletrade, yahoo etc., yet we refrain from billboarding our auctions in this forum.
          Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
          and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
        8. JJacksJJacks Posts: 759

          I always post my buy/sell messages with or without auction links on the B/S/T board, but personally I don't mind a bit if somebody posts PCGS coins for sale on the Set Registry board. I assume PCGS doesn't have any rule against it.


          Always buying music cards of artists I like! PSA or raw! Esp want PSA 10s 1991 Musicards Marx, Elton, Bryan Adams, etc. And 92/93 Country Gold AJ, Clint Black, Tim McGraw PSA 10s
        9. DRGDRG Posts: 817
        10. DRGDRG Posts: 817
          I did offer the IKE's for sale here first. Then I simply was notifying everyone that these coins were going up on ebay. I had several requests by board members that wished to be notifyed if I did so. I do not regularly sell coins and these are my first auctions. I never meant to bother anyone nor did I believe I was doing anything wrong.
          The entire set of high grade SBA I also thought would be of interest to members.
          I am also selling other more common coins which I did not list on this list because they are not registry quality.
        11. lavalava Posts: 3,286 ✭✭✭
          I agree. How can anyone reasonably disagree. This is the registry forum. We be talking registry stuff. Buyers, sellers and traders go elsewhere, or use pm if you see a match interest with someone's speciality. If anyone wants to pm me about my special interest fine, but no need to make everyone else read that stuff -- then it is spam. MHOimage
          I brake for ear bars.
        12. I think its a simple answer if the seller would offer it before its on teletrade or e-bay right here, there are many coins I would like a chance at for an honest offer, but I dont like seeing it advertised after the fact on these boards to the members time and time again on teletrade, e-bay, with no prior warning except to sell the coin for the sellers advantage..... many of us would buy the coin given the chance to do so, but that dosent seem to happen with many of these coins....
        13. gmarguligmarguli Posts: 2,225 ✭✭
          It sounds like a lot of whining. Offer coins to me/us, but before you offer it to them. As long as PCGS allows advertisements in this forum (which I personally don't think they should) then members should be allowed to post links to coins no matter where they are for sale. Allow all advertisements or none.

          Why should a seller have to offer it to members of this forum before offering it the highest bidder first? Do you people think you are special since you frequent the same forums?

          How about making a post about coins listed in the eBay "shops" where there is a set price? Is that OK since there is a set price or is it still not OK since some outsiders also have access to the coins?

          As for allowing only "registry quality" coins only to be offered here, that is ambiguous and meaningless. What is registry quality to me is not the same as you.

          All or none. Allow all advertisements or none at all. Selectively allowing them is only going to piss some people off.
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