With the new allegations and fines for the NYG......................
..........................why is it so hard in the NFL for Teams to not cheat??? Take the timeline back from the Giants to the Browns texting the sidelines during a game to the Patriots filming during the playoffs, then add all the things before and since that weren't caught. My thought is that there is rampant electronic cheating that goes on.
Why is it so hard not to cheat?? I am rapidly joining the crowded room of former fans who no longer watch(it is made easier because the Browns have become a perpetual LOSER) the NFL. Perhaps they just need to do away with all the electronic BS like tablets on the sideline and run all the players through a metal detector as they enter the playing field.
Get us back to the old days and get rid of the helmet mics, let the QB actually call plays again and employ the tactic Paul Brown gave us, shuttling guards with a play to the QB.
Al H.
Heck just rid of the helmets altogether while youre at it ; )
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I think you understand my point, Mark.
It's just a matter of time (if it hasn't already been tried) before they find a way to hack in and get the other teams play calls.
I'm with going back to bringing in the calls by a player. This would also stop the "hurry up no huddle offense", which I Hate!
you hate the no-huddle??? I think the no-huddle is one of the most innovative, brilliantly tactical things the NFL has seen in the past 50 years. it is actually the kind of thing I am talking about, where players/coaches can "out think" the other Team. Sam Wyche realized he could entrap his opponent by getting them to put the players on the field that he wanted to play against. so what does the NFL do --- they allow them to do it because there was no rule against it, and then they say it can't be used in the SuperBowl!!!
that was one of the all-time most embarrassing things the NFL ever did.
I say "All's fair in love and war and football." No restrictions on gaining information through spying or any other means. Protect your own organization or spy as well as your opponent. As far as helmets go if they went back to leather helmets of the early days of football there would be fewer head injuries.
It was an AFC title game - and the Bengals used it anyway. The main concern at the time was the way the Bengals implemented - they were intentionally deceptive, running 13, 14, 15 guys on the field but not huddling. The NFL squashed that by requiring defenses be allowed to substitute.
I feel like we were separated at birth and one of us was shipped to Ann Arbor and the other to Columbus. The only difference is that I have the better eyesight ; )
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
so cheating should be OK??? I'm no choir boy but you guys are suffering a head injury.
Cheating in Pro Football has many definitions, psi in the ball should not be considered as a cheat.
I'm 20-20. First Down.
All is fair in love and war and football until you go over the edge. The Wake Forest mess is a good example -- Louisville's conduct is a bit disgraceful. Hard to trust Petrino's denials given his past deeds.
Flat Psi in footballs is cheating but not worth a 4 game suspension. I think it is ridiculous that the NFL still lets the team handle their own footballs before the game. Just use a standard football handled by the refs before, during and after the game. This is apparently due to Payton Manning lobbying for this years ago. Can you imagine if pitchers got to manage the baseballs before a game? Silliness.
"Look up, old boy, and see what you get." -William Bonney.