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I give up on trying to figure out the PSA grading process... but can't complain about the results!

Back at the end of September, I submitted 4 subs on specials at the 50 day service level. I've always felt/thought/believed, with reason, that if you keep cards together by genre and/or set... they tend to go quicker.

I submitted 2 subs with a mix of cards all over the place... vintage, modern, baseball, football, etc. I submitted 2 subs that were put together, for the most part, as being from a single modern set.

One of the subs being from mostly (if not all) a single set... popped in 8 business days!

The 2 hodge podge subs popped in 21 business days or less!

The other sub, being mostly from a single modern set, is on business day 43 today.

Needless to say, I've been checking it a few dozen times a day for the past month or so... still no results.

However, I submitted a couple more 50 day subs at the Chicago show under the November Chicago Show special. While checking results on the now-43-business-day sub... one of my Chicago subs popped.

Go figure! I'll never figure it out... I give up trying!

I can't complain though, as that Chicago sub was probably my best "successfully-graded-them-right-myself" sub to date. Not only did that 50 day service level (estimated) submission pop on business day #4... but I hit 47 out of 48 in PSA 10!

I don't think I've ever had a sub of more than 10 cards ever hit 100% on 10's... I'm guessing this 97.9% success rate has to be my best yet!


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