Looking to buy a great All-In-One printer/scanner

My friend has taken care of my cards while l have been living abroad and his scans have never been the greatest. I'd like to surprise him with the best all-in-one printer/scanner I can afford ($200). Ideally I'd love for it to produce crisp images of PSA slabs and their flips. I haven't scene any recent threads that included all-in-ones, just flatbeds.
TIA for suggestions.
If you're looking for it mainly for scanning purposes, flat bed is the way to go. I know it's not ideal, but there is a reason. I believe it's been discussed before, but there's two common scanning technologies. One is cheaper and very efficient when scanning things right on the glass (photos, raw cards, paper) while the other is more expensive but scans depth beter (card in a slab). All-in-ones almost always have the cheaper technology. So for scanning graded cards/packs.... a flatbed will always outperform an all-in-one.
I wanted to replace his all-in-one so he still has a printer..If I do get him a flatbed, Ive heard the Epson V line is great.