Regarding auction sniping tools...
Posts: 645 ✭✭✭
Is there anything out there sleuth enough to snipe the sniping tools to see if any auction has snipes from these tools set on them ? If that is known by the auctioner, advantage auctioner to reset the price 24 hours in advance on ebay. The 'snipers' pay high... why not make them pay higher
Treading water here I know... but... many think 'sniping' is bad for the hobby. Why not counter it technically.
I think you would need access to the website db to access that. Although there may be a more tech savvy member who would know.
In regard to you last statement: how exactly is sniping bad for the hobby?
Resetting price during active auction to milk the last penny out of a buyer? I'm sure in not understanding the question.
'I think you would need access to the website db to access that'
Snipers give up their friggin id and password to the sniping companies correct ?
Vintagefun, it wasn't a question.
mind.....blown..... Guys, this is next. Sniping exists and Lotsos, search this site for the hater of it. Fight fire with fire is all I can say to them.
Only a hacker or perhaps an employee could find out what the snipes were. It would only be useful when the auction had no bids and when the starting price could be raised. And even if it were legal, it's not even guaranteed to work, since a seller could lose customers by doing such a thing. Plus, ebay would eventually catch on.
No. Not all snipers.
What fire are you fighting?
I am also confused. How is sniping bad for the hobby? If I am willing to pay up to $500 for a card, that's what I bid. And I do it at the last minute. I don't use a sniping program. Because if I win, I pay immediately, and if I lose, I have given it my best shot. Here's what happens if you bid $500 with 2 days left in the auction. You'll get shilled up to $505, I'll see that I've been outbid and go on with my life. Then later on, I find out that I've "won" the auction for $475 due to a bid retraction. Even if I've already allocated that money elsewhere, I'm still on the hook because my bid is binding according to eBay. I'll tell you what's bad for the hobby, bid retractions. There are users with dozens of bid retractions. That's why I snipe. and as far as I'm concerned, that's the way it has to be for me to get the cards I want online and keep my sanity. I'd love to hear why this is wrong.
Yeah, I guess it's not really fighting fire. I searched for 'sniping' threads in this site and found many where people are not supportive of the concept. I don't know why either, it does drive prices up. All the talk about 'investment' is just that, wanting prices to continually go up.
If someone out there can come up with a tool which identifies existing snipes in place, the opportunity for increased auction prices exists. Having the awareness snipes are set allows the seller to finagle their auctions more.
Would see this as anyone holding on to stuff as investment, is solely doing so in hopes of increased value later. Increased value is higher purchase prices, so investors want it to happen. Bad for the people without the product if they want it though of course.
I better back off this before I reach 100% doof status.
Forget the sniping tools. There's nothing like the adrenaline rush of bidding with under 10 seconds to go. It's like opening an old pack of cards.