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Bust Halves - GTG - Grades posted in first post

TommyTypeTommyType Posts: 4,586 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited November 23, 2016 9:30AM in U.S. Coin Forum

Please give me your grades on the following two Busties.

  • Both were graded within the last month, (if that helps you).
  • Both were straight graded...(Not playing "Gotcha"....but if you think they SHOULD have been netted, feel free to say so).
  • Apologies for the pics, but to be honest, this is pretty good for me! ;)
  • I have a reason for asking, which I will expound on when I post the grades in 24 hours or so.

1) 1832

2) 1833

I might get busy today, so going to slap this up there before I forget:

My reason for asking: Pre-submission, I personally graded them 30 and 20. While I might have been too conservative, I did see a difference between them! Yet they graded the same, and were presumably graded side-by-side since they were on the same submission.

So, I just wanted to see if I was nuts, or if the consensus agreed with me.

I show 21 responses, with the averages for the two being 35.7, and 29.0. So, call it 35 and 30, and I guess there is some agreement that the '32 is the better coin. (Full slab picture shows the nice warm brown color better, and shows why I always like her!)

Thanks for your responses....

Easily distracted Type Collector


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