@muffins said:
sure, he responds/ships fast on a lot of things. the same could also be said to the contrary.
with that being said, anyone else notice that he continuously places the "seller is away and may not ship/respond" tag constantly so that he will retain his seller status by not adhering to the specifications required to hold such status?
he's basically using it as a blanket and stall tatic to allow him to choose what issues he wants to deal with and when. not cool, imo.
its basically there for vacation or emergency reasons, but he uses it year round.
i do not recall pwcc ever using it.
I believe he does it because he is orthodox Jewish and observes the sabbath on Fridays and shuts down everything. I know my grandmother on my moms side was as well, but she did not shut everything down on Friday and not ship cards to me Her family was extremely observant with some of her brothers going to service daily. I am sure everyone there is not an Orthodox Jew and they can have the non orthodox workers ship stuff out on Fridays. My family has both sides (Jewish and devout Catholics) so I feel I can address this legitimately and I agree they seem like are using it as a crutch IMO.
@muffins said:
sure, he responds/ships fast on a lot of things. the same could also be said to the contrary.
with that being said, anyone else notice that he continuously places the "seller is away and may not ship/respond" tag constantly so that he will retain his seller status by not adhering to the specifications required to hold such status?
he's basically using it as a blanket and stall tatic to allow him to choose what issues he wants to deal with and when. not cool, imo.
its basically there for vacation or emergency reasons, but he uses it year round.
i do not recall pwcc ever using it.
I believe he does it because he is orthodox Jewish and observes the sabbath on Fridays and shuts down everything. I know my grandmother on my moms side was as well, but she did not shut everything down on Friday and not ship cards to me Her family was extremely observant with some of her brothers going to service daily. I am sure everyone there is not an Orthodox Jew and they can have the non orthodox workers ship stuff out on Fridays. My family has both sides (Jewish and devout Catholics) so I feel I can address this legitimately and I agree they seem like are using it as a crutch IMO.
If this is the case he observes a 5 day long sabbath every week. I buy from Probstein all the time as well, would not use him for consignment
@MULLINS5 said:
You need to be communicating with Rick via eBay since this is technically an eBay transaction. He receives a deep discount from eBay and I bet the second you get them involved you'll have a tracking number for a package with your cards.
Maybe I'm reading this incorrectly, but I don't think this has anything to do with eBay. He sent cards to Rick, they were never listed, now he wants them back. I had a similar issue and after months of back/forth requesting the return of the cards (email and phone), they were listed. They were mainly PSA 8 and 9s, not high dollar items. The excuse: he gives higher priority to higher grade items. I've never dealt with him again, and do not plan on it. I'm sorry RiM is having to go thru a similar ordeal.
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
@muffins said:
sure, he responds/ships fast on a lot of things. the same could also be said to the contrary.
with that being said, anyone else notice that he continuously places the "seller is away and may not ship/respond" tag constantly so that he will retain his seller status by not adhering to the specifications required to hold such status?
he's basically using it as a blanket and stall tatic to allow him to choose what issues he wants to deal with and when. not cool, imo.
its basically there for vacation or emergency reasons, but he uses it year round.
i do not recall pwcc ever using it.
I think that you just crossed the line with these comments. Accusing Rick of using his religion as a stall tactic unless you are 100% sure of this is a but much. He shuts down the same days every week and during Jewish holidays. How is this any different than any other business that closes on Sunday and during holidays? You don't think his employees need a day or two off each week? In my opinion, you owe Rick an apology.
To muffins credit, he never mentioned Rick's religion... he may very well not have known that was the reason for the "seller is away" messages. I can easily understand his point of view if I wasn't aware that it was tied to his religion.
@muffins said:
sure, he responds/ships fast on a lot of things. the same could also be said to the contrary.
with that being said, anyone else notice that he continuously places the "seller is away and may not ship/respond" tag constantly so that he will retain his seller status by not adhering to the specifications required to hold such status?
he's basically using it as a blanket and stall tatic to allow him to choose what issues he wants to deal with and when. not cool, imo.
its basically there for vacation or emergency reasons, but he uses it year round.
i do not recall pwcc ever using it.
I think that you just crossed the line with these comments. Accusing Rick of using his religion as a stall tactic unless you are 100% sure of this is a but much. He shuts down the same days every week and during Jewish holidays. How is this any different than any other business that closes on Sunday and during holidays? You don't think his employees need a day or two off each week? In my opinion, you owe Rick an apology.
youre reaching real deep.
i absoluetly owe you zero explanations, but:
i fully knew he was orthodox. my stepfather/brothers are jewish and i absolutely love matzah ball soup. not a fan of gifelta.
but i never mentioned religion and in fact has nothing to do w my remarks. but since others actually got it, i will certainly add a +1 to the "a 5 day sabbath?" (every week all year implied) remark.
check your witch hunt elsewhere, heat.
edit: and personally, i think you owe me an apology.
No, you didn't mention his religion but almost anyone that knows anything about Rick knows that his religion is the reason for his "away" message. Even though you didn't mention religion, you still accused him of something that you know absolutely nothing about..
others have already mentioned things like crutch/five days/higher priority items get faster priority times/replies...
but please, tell us all about the sabbath then...normal days per week of observance? why non-orthodoxed or other goys cant ship out/respond? and why the message would be used constantly all week long/all year long?
because i could certainly understand it for yom kippur, rosh hashanah and week+ long observances... (eta: but all day, every day?)
I also have several Jewish relatives, and actually wholeheartedly agree with muffins here. I think Mr Heat just used a jump to conclusions mat on this one. I have always noticed that Probs auctions were always listed as seller was away, it however never kept me on bidding on items I was interested in though.
@jfkheat said:
No, you didn't mention his religion but almost anyone that knows anything about Rick knows that his religion is the reason for his "away" message. Even though you didn't mention religion, you still accused him of something that you know absolutely nothing about..
I think that if that is the reason he closes it would help him to state that so people who don't know him would be aware. Chick Fil A does it and people love them for it and support their business even more because of it, but they don't use it as an excuse on Monday am after being closed all Sunday for serving a cold biscuit or slowing down on Saturday pm.
If this is truly the case why have lots end on Friday if you are not working on Friday observing the Sabbath? Actually why have items even for sale on a Friday since that flies counter to observing the Sabbath and not working? The lots are still accumulating bids on Friday when you are not supposed to be working right? How about at the National? Does he not set up on Fridays and all of his workers have the day off correct? If you are going to observe it that strictly do it all the time.
My grandmother or Bubby did that and was very strict - no pork allowed in the house(as a kid always wondered why she served ribs that looked like the Flintstones until we realized thru were beef ribs
Everyone understands religion and believes others should be able to follow their beliefs - that is not in question whatsoever; however, if someone provides bad service to someone they should be held accountable is what others are saying.
I am not defending what Rick did to the OP. They way it was handled it terrible customer service. All I'm saying is that he can close up shop for a day a week for whatever reason he wishes. To accuse him of closing as a stall tactic is wrong unless you know for a fact that that is what he is doing.
good to see your religion stance reasoning died pretty quickly, as i saw no reference in your last retort. rather "he can close up shop when he wants for whatever"
and this is 100% fact...his offices were still open, phones being answered and listings would still be getting done while the "ebay shops closed" tag was being used.
fact of the matter is, he isnt closing up shop. thats the point. the main point. by having this enabled, it allows him to do "whatever he wants, when he wants"
and yes, stalling would certainly fall under this category. several people on various boards, which you belong to, have mentioned it
@mikelowell25 said:
For years I thought I was the only Jew on here; nice to know I have some company (sort of!). Although I am 100% Jewish, not just half
Thinking of starting a Secret Hanukkah exchange. Who's in????
Growing up in Miami it is very common to have a lot of mixed families. My dad's side was Catholic and my mom's side was Jewish. We did not follow or learn Judaism, and I have been baptist for a long time. I did go to Catholic Church when I was younger, and whenever I go to a catholic wedding or funeral I still know all the songs.
Had a few Jewish friends in the neighborhood and they were awesome collectors. They would scout players in the early 80's in the minors and grab their cards for 5-10 cents and they would have pages of them. A year or two later they had literally dozens of Boggs, Gwynn, Mattingly rookies worth $20-40 each. It is very true that Jewish people are very wise with their $$. I had family members who worked normal jobs for 40+ years, saved everything they could, and when they retired they were worth millions. It is very true that they have earned the reputation of being very good with money.
If you open up that unopened vault of yours for the picking, I'm in..
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Ironically enough I just got an email from Probstein sent today at 9:56 advertising items he has for sale like a Babe Ruth signed auto and a rare Jordan auto. Not saying Rick sent it himself, but for someone who shuts down to observe the sabbath why would you be sending out emails trying to sell items on a Friday. Are you working or observing - sending some mixed messages there.
I'm hoping Rick comes on and gives us his side of the story. Not good to make someone wait this long.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Walter Sobchak: Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't %%&##! ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit don't &%&%#! roll*!
The only commandment that Jesus doesn't address is keeping the sabbath. I am thankful that He abolished the old law, not that it makes anyone better or worse but joins us all , Jew and Gentile together , having the same hope and promise from God.
“But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.”
Romans 7:6 NIV
FWIW, when I've purchased items from Rick's ebay auctions, they have arrived quickly enough. However, I've tried sending him several messages over a relatively longer period of time, about various items he had listed that I was interested in but wanted just a little more info on before buying. Never once do I remember receiving a reply to those emails sent to him through the ebay messaging system. Not impressive, to say the least. The people sending him those items would have sold them to me if Rick had answered the emails, but instead I moved on in each case.
He paid me last week to go away, now mysteriously found the cards, and wants to know if I'd like to auction them and "readjust the math either up or down"
Just got a few cards I bought quickly and in good shape. As far as your dilemma I would tell him that you are don dealing with him, and as long as you are whole on the money I would walk away. If he still owes you money that is another thing. I would suggest you tell him to do the right thing, and is his business or his conscience more important? I know I would not sell anything through him based on things I have read on here.
@RipublicaninMass said:
He paid me last week to go away, now mysteriously found the cards, and wants to know if I'd like to auction them and "readjust the math either up or down"
@RipublicaninMass said:
He paid me last week to go away, now mysteriously found the cards, and wants to know if I'd like to auction them and "readjust the math either up or down"
I'd counter with "up only".
This has dragged on so long and the service been so poor that he now needs to go above and beyond for you. That's assuming his "go away" settlement offer wasn't overwhelming in your favor.
@RipublicaninMass said:
He paid me last week to go away, now mysteriously found the cards, and wants to know if I'd like to auction them and "readjust the math either up or down"
The fact that the he offered to readjust down is mind blowing.
@RipublicaninMass said:
He paid me last week to go away, now mysteriously found the cards, and wants to know if I'd like to auction them and "readjust the math either up or down"
The fact that the he offered to readjust down is mind blowing.
Another reason why PWCC is better. I never sold an auction and then owed a bill a week later when they had to re-auction it. Part of auction house risk/reward if you ask me.
I'd have offered to auction the cards and give the customer anything over what was paid to make them whole again. I cannot believe someone would want to readjust down in any case, especially this one.
I believe he does it because he is orthodox Jewish and observes the sabbath on Fridays and shuts down everything. I know my grandmother on my moms side was as well, but she did not shut everything down on Friday and not ship cards to me Her family was extremely observant with some of her brothers going to service daily. I am sure everyone there is not an Orthodox Jew and they can have the non orthodox workers ship stuff out on Fridays. My family has both sides (Jewish and devout Catholics) so I feel I can address this legitimately and I agree they seem like are using it as a crutch IMO.
Well, I could only chuckle at the thought of him being unavailable for observance while Sandy Koufax cards are racing up the charts.
If this is the case he observes a 5 day long sabbath every week. I buy from Probstein all the time as well, would not use him for consignment
Maybe I'm reading this incorrectly, but I don't think this has anything to do with eBay. He sent cards to Rick, they were never listed, now he wants them back. I had a similar issue and after months of back/forth requesting the return of the cards (email and phone), they were listed. They were mainly PSA 8 and 9s, not high dollar items. The excuse: he gives higher priority to higher grade items. I've never dealt with him again, and do not plan on it. I'm sorry RiM is having to go thru a similar ordeal.
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
I think that you just crossed the line with these comments. Accusing Rick of using his religion as a stall tactic unless you are 100% sure of this is a but much. He shuts down the same days every week and during Jewish holidays. How is this any different than any other business that closes on Sunday and during holidays? You don't think his employees need a day or two off each week? In my opinion, you owe Rick an apology.
To muffins credit, he never mentioned Rick's religion... he may very well not have known that was the reason for the "seller is away" messages. I can easily understand his point of view if I wasn't aware that it was tied to his religion.
youre reaching real deep.
i absoluetly owe you zero explanations, but:
i fully knew he was orthodox. my stepfather/brothers are jewish and i absolutely love matzah ball soup. not a fan of gifelta.
but i never mentioned religion and in fact has nothing to do w my remarks. but since others actually got it, i will certainly add a +1 to the "a 5 day sabbath?" (every week all year implied) remark.
check your witch hunt elsewhere, heat.
edit: and personally, i think you owe me an apology.
No, you didn't mention his religion but almost anyone that knows anything about Rick knows that his religion is the reason for his "away" message. Even though you didn't mention religion, you still accused him of something that you know absolutely nothing about..
others have already mentioned things like crutch/five days/higher priority items get faster priority times/replies...
but please, tell us all about the sabbath then...normal days per week of observance? why non-orthodoxed or other goys cant ship out/respond? and why the message would be used constantly all week long/all year long?
because i could certainly understand it for yom kippur, rosh hashanah and week+ long observances... (eta: but all day, every day?)
please. enlighten us.
I also have several Jewish relatives, and actually wholeheartedly agree with muffins here. I think Mr Heat just used a jump to conclusions mat on this one. I have always noticed that Probs auctions were always listed as seller was away, it however never kept me on bidding on items I was interested in though.
I think that if that is the reason he closes it would help him to state that so people who don't know him would be aware. Chick Fil A does it and people love them for it and support their business even more because of it, but they don't use it as an excuse on Monday am after being closed all Sunday for serving a cold biscuit or slowing down on Saturday pm.
If this is truly the case why have lots end on Friday if you are not working on Friday observing the Sabbath? Actually why have items even for sale on a Friday since that flies counter to observing the Sabbath and not working? The lots are still accumulating bids on Friday when you are not supposed to be working right? How about at the National? Does he not set up on Fridays and all of his workers have the day off correct? If you are going to observe it that strictly do it all the time.
My grandmother or Bubby did that and was very strict - no pork allowed in the house(as a kid always wondered why she served ribs that looked like the Flintstones until we realized thru were beef ribs
Everyone understands religion and believes others should be able to follow their beliefs - that is not in question whatsoever; however, if someone provides bad service to someone they should be held accountable is what others are saying.
great and vaild points, kc!
thank you.
I am not defending what Rick did to the OP. They way it was handled it terrible customer service. All I'm saying is that he can close up shop for a day a week for whatever reason he wishes. To accuse him of closing as a stall tactic is wrong unless you know for a fact that that is what he is doing.
then why would he put this up constantly?
good to see your religion stance reasoning died pretty quickly, as i saw no reference in your last retort. rather "he can close up shop when he wants for whatever"
and this is 100% fact...his offices were still open, phones being answered and listings would still be getting done while the "ebay shops closed" tag was being used.
fact of the matter is, he isnt closing up shop. thats the point. the main point. by having this enabled, it allows him to do "whatever he wants, when he wants"
and yes, stalling would certainly fall under this category. several people on various boards, which you belong to, have mentioned it
If appropriate, I wish you folks Shabbat Shalom.
For years I thought I was the only Jew on here; nice to know I have some company (sort of!). Although I am 100% Jewish, not just half
Thinking of starting a Secret Hanukkah exchange. Who's in????
Ok Harris, let's not start a holy war here!
Growing up in Miami it is very common to have a lot of mixed families. My dad's side was Catholic and my mom's side was Jewish. We did not follow or learn Judaism, and I have been baptist for a long time. I did go to Catholic Church when I was younger, and whenever I go to a catholic wedding or funeral I still know all the songs.
Had a few Jewish friends in the neighborhood and they were awesome collectors. They would scout players in the early 80's in the minors and grab their cards for 5-10 cents and they would have pages of them. A year or two later they had literally dozens of Boggs, Gwynn, Mattingly rookies worth $20-40 each. It is very true that Jewish people are very wise with their $$. I had family members who worked normal jobs for 40+ years, saved everything they could, and when they retired they were worth millions. It is very true that they have earned the reputation of being very good with money.
If you open up that unopened vault of yours for the picking, I'm in..
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
It seems that you know everything about Rick and how he runs his business. I'm done here.
i sure dont.
and dont think you'd be willing to claim that you did.
but i do know that you went out on a stretch bringing in the religion factor.
certainly wasnt look for a squabble, but had to respond to that post. but im done as well.
hope everybody enjoys the rest of the thanksgiving weekend!
Ironically enough I just got an email from Probstein sent today at 9:56 advertising items he has for sale like a Babe Ruth signed auto and a rare Jordan auto. Not saying Rick sent it himself, but for someone who shuts down to observe the sabbath why would you be sending out emails trying to sell items on a Friday. Are you working or observing - sending some mixed messages there.
I'm hoping Rick comes on and gives us his side of the story. Not good to make someone wait this long.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
I imagine he is searching his packages for this consignment so he can get it shipped back. Then he will make his response.
Not much that can be said at this point other than my bad, I'll try to do better in the future.
Walter Sobchak: Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't %%&##! ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit don't &%&%#! roll*!
The only commandment that Jesus doesn't address is keeping the sabbath. I am thankful that He abolished the old law, not that it makes anyone better or worse but joins us all , Jew and Gentile together , having the same hope and promise from God.
“But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.”
Romans 7:6 NIV
FWIW, when I've purchased items from Rick's ebay auctions, they have arrived quickly enough. However, I've tried sending him several messages over a relatively longer period of time, about various items he had listed that I was interested in but wanted just a little more info on before buying. Never once do I remember receiving a reply to those emails sent to him through the ebay messaging system. Not impressive, to say the least. The people sending him those items would have sold them to me if Rick had answered the emails, but instead I moved on in each case.
He paid me last week to go away, now mysteriously found the cards, and wants to know if I'd like to auction them and "readjust the math either up or down"
Just got a few cards I bought quickly and in good shape. As far as your dilemma I would tell him that you are don dealing with him, and as long as you are whole on the money I would walk away. If he still owes you money that is another thing. I would suggest you tell him to do the right thing, and is his business or his conscience more important? I know I would not sell anything through him based on things I have read on here.
I'd counter with "up only".
This has dragged on so long and the service been so poor that he now needs to go above and beyond for you. That's assuming his "go away" settlement offer wasn't overwhelming in your favor.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
+1 on the "up only".
That's great news that he made you whole again and offered to re auction them. It seems like a step in the right direction.
I am trying to figure out why you didn't update the thread. I think it's only fair that people post everything when it comes to a subject like this.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
I just figured since we made a deal, I'd let the thread die, no use dragging it in. When I had seen it was bumped up, I updated
I love lamp
The fact that the he offered to readjust down is mind blowing.
Another reason why PWCC is better. I never sold an auction and then owed a bill a week later when they had to re-auction it. Part of auction house risk/reward if you ask me.
I'd have offered to auction the cards and give the customer anything over what was paid to make them whole again. I cannot believe someone would want to readjust down in any case, especially this one.