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hey can someone tell me a little about an international money order? i won this marlon byrd diamond kings jersey from some guy in Taiwan. Wants me to pay 8 bucks for MO and Cashiers checks...does an international MO cost anything? please help me!


  • its about the Same price as a regular money order, depends on where you buy it, i think PO charges like 80cents

  • What is the ebay item #? I sent to a guy from there.. and he ripped me for $$$. I would just like to see if it is the same one
  • jpsporst

    is that him?
  • Nope its not... i am glad for you that it isnt. I dont know why they ask for $8 more if you are paying by money order or cashiers cheque... because i have bought from sellers in Japan/taiwan and they never did. But they sure accept $$$ quick.
    Hope it all works out :-)
  • but you can choose pay $8 more for the bank remittance fee if you want to pay by MO/Cashiers checks.

    I think what he is saying is that it cost him $8 at the banks over there to cash your MO/Cashiers checks. I think.

    Good luck, Mike
    The Proud Owner of THE CARDBOARD VILLAGE
  • Last time I bought an International Money Order <about a week ago> it was $3.95 at a US post office...

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