Help with the Identification of German Coins/medals

I have these two German coins that I am trying to identify and determine if they have any value. I have not been able to find either of these coins anywhere online. Please help if you can.
I have these two German coins that I am trying to identify and determine if they have any value. I have not been able to find either of these coins anywhere online. Please help if you can.
This is German occupation currency for Russia (eastern front) for World War I.
20, Swastika
Looks like a German canteen token, similar to below.
Thanks much. The 20 Swastika is similar, but uniquely different on the one side. I wonder about it's rarity? I hope others may have some additional information on that particular one. Thanks again.
The second token is in the same category as that linked by yosclimber, but is a generic or "maverick" example (ie a specific location/issuer not indicated). The symbol with the gear is that of the German Labor Front (DAF or Deutsche Arbeitsfront ) which was a national organization throughout Germany during the 3rd Reich. Presumably there were canteens in many locales in which such a token could have used. These sorts of things are often made of zinc which corrodes easily so your example is much better preserved than one would typically see. I would think that the generic token would be a lot more common than one tied to a specific issuer, but the $20 retail value doesn't seem unreasonable. Just MHO.
Thank you very much!