Grading question-think a mistake was made !

I know we all think are cards should have graded higher,but......I submitted 2 1973 topps pin ups gum wrappers that both came back psa 6. I didnt want any qualifier on the cards. The cards look great and I am pretty familiar with the issue. I felt like they should have been 8.5 to 9.
The cards are centered on 3 sides and the left side has a larger margin that was used for 3 glue dots to package the gum wrapper. This is NORMAL for this issue.
I feel like the grader was unfamiliar with the odd centering of this set and knocked my grades down to a 6.
what do I do...will psa review my case? if so how do I go about this?
Thanks Scott
I thought they were stronger than that when I saw them raw. Bring them this weekend if you get a chance.
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
They are paper thin and very susceptible to small bends and buckles even from light handling. Pressed flat in a card saver, top loader, or psa holder can make the bends very hard to see. Take it out and you'll likely see that it isn't perfectly flat or level. PSA is familiar with the centering issue when grading. There are quite a few currently on ebay and the lower grades look just like the higher grades in holders and it's due to the bends and buckles from handling.
Agree with KbKards. I sent in an Ashland Oil "card" that I thought would be an 8, came back a 3 :-(