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slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
edited October 22, 2016 11:48PM in Trading Cards & Memorabilia Forum

I'm sorry that I can't keep everything on the original set break page. With the new software, I am unable to add information to the original post in the other thread because I go over the character limit for one post when I try to add the payment information to the existing break information. I do not want to erase/edit information from the set break post as it contains the rules to the break and the scans of the cards. So I have to start this new thread for payment information.

This information below was on the other thread and now I have moved it here:

Thank you to all the participants of the break. I am excited to run this break. A little sad to see the cards go but I can't wait to see who gets what including the grand prize. Anyway, slots are all filled and it is time to pay. Please see the breakdown below to see what you owe. It is ordered alphabetically by UserName. Unfortunately, the formatting is goofy going from my spreadsheet to this post so the numbers are sort of jumbled. I will try and edit later to make it easier on the eyes, but it may not be until late tonight.

The gist is, after your user name, the numbers correspond to:

  1. the slot number you reserved
  2. the number of slots you agreed to purchase
  3. how much the total slots cost
  4. cost of shipping
  5. how much you owe paying with PayPal Friends & Family (this will either be $90, $178, $266, $348 or $440 depending on if you purchased 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 slots)
  6. if you pay with PayPal Goods/Services your total cost will be either $92.70, $183,34, $273,98, $363.59 or $453.20 depending on how many slots you purchased.

Please send payment via PayPal to: slum22@hotmail.com

In the notes section of your payment please just put your CU user name so I know who is paying. Please PM or post here with any questions. Thanks again,


USER SLOTS # of Slots Slot Price Shipping Total (FnF) Total (Goods)
1980scollector 113 1 87 3 $90 $92.7 ****PAID****
abcoltsfan 3 1 87 3 90 92.7 ****PAID****
Airjoedan 24 1 87 3 90 92.7 ****PAID****
Aresenal83 48 1 87 3 90 92.7 ****PAID****
balco 104, 105 2 174 4 178 183.34****PAID****
baz518 124 1 87 3 90 92.7****PAID****
Bcookie 48 1 87 3 90 92.7 DNP
Bighurt2000 14 1 87 3 90 92.7 ****PAID****
brad31 81 1 87 3 90 92.7****PAID****
Brandon554 93, 94, 95 3 261 5 266 273.98 ****PAID****
cakes 75, 76, 77, 122 4 348 5 353 363.59****PAID****
callers 10, 11 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
cecropiamoth 87, 88 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
dennis07 21 1 87 3 90 92.7 ****PAID****
dennis88 54, 55 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
DerekD 91, 92 2 174 4 178 183.34****PAID****
dontippet 43 1 87 3 90 92.7 ****PAID****
eagles33 46, 70 2 174 4 178 183.34****PAID****
ergoism 96, 97 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
fergie23 67, 68 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
flatfoot816 71, 72, 117, 118 4 348 5 353 363.59****PAID****
Galaxy27 26, 27 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
grimster 73, 74 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
halosfan 19, 20, 106 3 261 5 266 273.98****PAID****
Harvak 5, 129 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
ifyoucanthinkof... 64 1 87 3 90 92.7 ****PAID****
initialD 83 1 87 3 90 92.7****PAID****
JayZee68 17, 18, 125 3 261 5 266 273.98****PAID****
JBrules 59, 60, 69 3 261 5 266 273.98****PAID****
jfkheat 32, 33, 62, 63, 121 5 435 5 440 453.2 ****PAID****
jjworm 119, 120 2 174 4 178 183.34****PAID****
jtg41 98, 99 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
Justus 12, 13 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
jwgators 89 1 87 3 90 92.7 ****PAID****
LargentCollector 1, 2 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
LarkinCollector 80 1 87 3 90 92.7****PAID****
lotsos 102, 103 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
Loyalty32 30 1 87 3 90 92.7 ****PAID****
Maddux69 84, 85 2 174 4 178 183.34****PAID****
Mantlefan23 31 1 87 3 90 92.7****PAID****
markmac 86 1 87 3 90 92.7****PAID****
Mefer 36, 37 2 174 4 178 183.34****PAID****
mgoblue24 90 1 87 3 90 92.7****PAID****
mrmojorisin 56 1 87 3 90 92.7****PAID****
Mullins5 61 1 87 3 90 92.7****PAID****
OAKESY25 108, 109 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
OldEnglishD5 8, 9 2 174 4 178 183.34****PAID****
or246 38, 112 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
PlayBall 41, 42, 78, 79 4 348 5 353 363.59 ****PAID****
RAPTORSRULE04 47 1 87 3 90 92.7****PAID****
rcmb3220 4, 51 2 174 4 178 183.34****PAID****
rhibeli 52, 53 2 174 4 178 183.34****PAID****
Ripublicaninmass 25, 127 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
Schapko 6, 7 2 174 4 178 183.34****PAID****
ScottJayHawk 82 1 87 3 90 92.7****PAID****
secretstash 44, 45, 116 3 261 5 266 273.98 ****PAID****
shu4040 28, 29, 123 3 261 5 266 273.98****PAID****
SleepyDave 114, 115 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
SlugSports 39, 40 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
Smittys 49, 50 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
spinfadesplash23 22, 23, 110, 111 4 348 5 353 363.59 ****PAID****
ssdawg77 34, 35 2 174 4 178 183.34****PAID****
ssollars 57, 58, 126 3 261 5 266 273.98 ****PAID****
targo98 65, 66, 107 3 261 5 266 273.98****PAID****
ugaskidawg 15, 16 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
vintagefun 100, 101 2 174 4 178 183.34 ****PAID****
Yanksfan1976 130 1 87 3 90 92.7 ****PAID****



  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 15, 2016 11:19PM

    Thanks to all those who have paid so quickly. I have updated the thread with everyone who has paid as of the time of this post. I will try to update the post nightly checking off those who have paid.

    Please PM or post here with questions. Thanks,


    Ok, I wanted to explain exactly how the randomization process will be done. I apologize if this is overkill, but with a break like this where there is a significant grand prize I would like to make everything as transparent as possible. If you do not care how this process takes place then just wait for the stream and/or the results and ignore the rest of the message. Otherwise, here we go:

    I will be using the list randomizer on random.org to randomize the slots for the set break. It may vary slightly on my laptop but it should look similar to the screen shots from my phone shown in the example below. I am going to use the first 10 slots in our break to show how this would look if I were to random off a 10 card set. Hopefully, you can then project how it would look with 132 slots instead of 10 slots.

    Step 1: Entering the slots in order to be randomized. As you can see in the example, your position in the randomizer is based on your position on the slot list for the break.
    [IMG]http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag36/slum22/Mobile Uploads/IMG_9122_zps6bworj5q.png[/IMG]

    Step 2: RANDOMIZATION -- We will be randomizing the list 7 times and the seventh randomization will be the final and official order for the set break. Here is what it looks like after randomization 1.
    [IMG]http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag36/slum22/Mobile Uploads/IMG_9124_zpsuzvszfsn.png[/IMG]

    Second randomization. Please notice the time stamp on the bottom as well as the site saying "You have randomized this list 2 times".
    [IMG]http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag36/slum22/Mobile Uploads/IMG_9125_zpsoguc0ysy.png[/IMG]

    Third randomization
    [IMG]http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag36/slum22/Mobile Uploads/IMG_9126_zpsbzzt13ip.png[/IMG]

    Fourth randomization
    [IMG]http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag36/slum22/Mobile Uploads/IMG_9127_zpscbf9g8jj.png[/IMG]

    Fifth randomization
    [IMG]http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag36/slum22/Mobile Uploads/IMG_9128_zps3vwwv5gv.png[/IMG]

    Sixth randomization
    [IMG]http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag36/slum22/Mobile Uploads/IMG_9129_zpsuhjtfatb.png[/IMG]

    Seventh randomization
    [IMG]http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag36/slum22/Mobile Uploads/IMG_9130_zpszhjwbxdu.png[/IMG]

    Step 3: Turning Slots Into Cards The card you receive will be based on your position on the list after the seventh and final randomization of the slot list.

    In our example above

    1. (10) callers = Kareem Abdul Jabbar
    2. (7) Schapko = Alvan Adams
    3. (5) Harvak = Mark Aguirre
    4. (1) LargentCollector= Danny Ainge
    5. (3) abcoltsfan =John Bagley
    6. (4) rcmb3220 =Thurl Bailey
    7. (8) OldEnglishD5= Charles Barkley
    8. (9) OldEnglishD5=Benoit Benjamin
    9. (6) Schapko=Larry Bird
    10. (2) LargentCollector=Otis Birdsong

    Hope this makes sense. As always feel free to ask questions here or via PM. Thanks,


  • baz518baz518 Posts: 1,252 ✭✭✭✭
    Just sent payment. Thanks again Steve.
  • just sent payment; thanks for doing this. Should be exciting!

  • halosfanhalosfan Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭✭

    Payment sent. Thanks,

    Looking for a Glen Rice Inkredible and Alex Rodriguez cards
  • rhilbelirhilbeli Posts: 133 ✭✭✭

    Payment sent

    My Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame Registry Set

    "The Packers are kinda like your kids. You dont love them because they are good, you love them because they are yours"
  • DerekDDerekD Posts: 388 ✭✭

    Payment sent. Thanks

  • pmt sent.


  • You've sent $273.98 to slum22@hotmail.com

  • markmacmarkmac Posts: 412 ✭✭✭


  • vintagefunvintagefun Posts: 1,974 ✭✭✭
    Paid. Thanks Steve.
    52-90 All Sports, Mostly Topps, Mostly HOF, and some assorted wax.
  • Payment sent

  • eagles33eagles33 Posts: 2,682 ✭✭✭
    Paid. Thanks
    Scans of most of my Misc rookies can be found <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://forums.collectors.com/m...y&keyword1=Non%20major">here
  • GrimsterGrimster Posts: 286 ✭✭✭

    payment sent. thanks!

  • Paid
    Seller ALFLAIR on eBay. for many vintage PSA and raw card sales. PSA Set Registry OldEnglishD with various sets including 71 Fleer Globetrotters, 71 Topps Football, and 64 Topps Standups. Also under FarFars (various sets) on the registry.
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks to all who have paid so expeditiously! I tried posting images but I don't have the hang of the new software. Can anyone help me by converting my Photobucket links on the second post into pictures?

  • ugaskidawgugaskidawg Posts: 882 ✭✭✭
    edited October 15, 2016 4:39PM

    Thanks for your hard work Steve.

  • fergie23fergie23 Posts: 2,148 ✭✭✭✭



  • Dennis88Dennis88 Posts: 5,797 ✭✭✭
    edited October 16, 2016 7:38AM

    @slum22 said:
    Ok, I wanted to explain exactly how the randomization process will be done. I apologize if this is overkill, but with a break like this where there is a significant grand prize I would like to make everything as transparent as possible. If you do not care how this process takes place then just wait for the stream and/or the results and ignore the rest of the message. Otherwise, here we go:

    I will be using the list randomizer on random.org to randomize the slots for the set break. It may vary slightly on my laptop but it should look similar to the screen shots from my phone shown in the example below. I am going to use the first 10 slots in our break to show how this would look if I were to random off a 10 card set. Hopefully, you can then project how it would look with 132 slots instead of 10 slots.

    Step 1: Entering the slots in order to be randomized. As you can see in the example, your position in the randomizer is based on your position on the slot list for the break.

    Step 2: RANDOMIZATION -- We will be randomizing the list 7 times and the seventh randomization will be the final and official order for the set break. Here is what it looks like after randomization 1.

    Second randomization. Please notice the time stamp on the bottom as well as the site saying "You have randomized this list 2 times".

    Third randomization

    Fourth randomization

    Fifth randomization

    Sixth randomization

    Seventh randomization

    Step 3: Turning Slots Into Cards The card you receive will be based on your position on the list after the seventh and final randomization of the slot list.

    In our example above

    1. (10) callers = Kareem Abdul Jabbar
    2. (7) Schapko = Alvan Adams
    3. (5) Harvak = Mark Aguirre
    4. (1) LargentCollector= Danny Ainge
    5. (3) abcoltsfan =John Bagley
    6. (4) rcmb3220 =Thurl Bailey
    7. (8) OldEnglishD5= Charles Barkley
    8. (9) OldEnglishD5=Benoit Benjamin
    9. (6) Schapko=Larry Bird
    10. (2) LargentCollector=Otis Birdsong

    Hope this makes sense. As always feel free to ask questions here or via PM. Thanks,


  • secretstashsecretstash Posts: 1,396 ✭✭✭✭
    Sent 266. THANKS
  • MULLINS5MULLINS5 Posts: 4,517 ✭✭✭

    Paid, thank you for offering this here for us.

  • MeferMefer Posts: 1,162 ✭✭✭

    I just paid. Thank you!


  • initialDinitialD Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭
    Paid thanks
  • rcmb3220rcmb3220 Posts: 1,108 ✭✭✭✭

  • balco758balco758 Posts: 1,419 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Balco 758 has paid in full $178.

    Thanks Slum!!,

  • ugaskidawgugaskidawg Posts: 882 ✭✭✭

    So it looks like we got around 6 (?) more people to pay and then the break can take place!

  • jjwormjjworm Posts: 196 ✭✭

    I paid in full the other day. Slum hasn't updated the starting post with the most recent people who have paid.


    - Post War baseball HOF RC's
    - 1980's unopened baseball
    - All Mutoscope and American Beauties

  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭

    @ugaskidawg said:
    So it looks like we got around 6 (?) more people to pay and then the break can take place!

    You are correct.

    @jjworm said:
    I paid in full the other day. Slum hasn't updated the starting post with the most recent people who have paid.

    The main list has been updated to reflect all payments received as of 9:00 AM Pacific time 10/17.

    I will be sending PM's to the remaining 6 folks who have not paid yet. In the meantime. Thanks to all who have paid. If you paid via PP Friends and Family please remember to PM me your shipping info so I know where to send your card(s).

  • brad31brad31 Posts: 2,856 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just paid. Sorry for the delay.
  • If there are any non payers I would gladly step up and take the spot

  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 17, 2016 12:32PM

    Thanks @brad31, no worries. I will update the thread with your payment momentarily.


    As of now, my plan is for the break to happen either this Friday night (this may change depending on work/family schedules but that is my hope/plan at the moment). I will post details on where everyone who wants to watch can follow the break via live stream in a later post. In the meantime, I am going to set a deadline for those who have slots reserved to pay. That deadline will be Thursday noon Pacific/3pm Eastern. If you have not paid for your slots by that time, your reservation will be cancelled and your slots will be turned over to the alternates list. Alternates, please check in to this thread on Thursday as I will let you know here (and PM) if slots are available. You will have to pay quickly as the slots needs to be paid for before the stream of the randomization can take place.

    Currently, the alternate list stands as:


    If you wish to be added as an alternate, please post interest on this thread. As always, PM or simply post here with questions or concerns.

  • initialDinitialD Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭
    I'll take an alternate slot
  • ndleondleo Posts: 4,144 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'll go on the alternate list.

  • I'll take an alternate spot if one is open.

  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭

    OK, three more members paid up their slots today, so we are down to three left needing to pay. I did receive a PM from one of them and they said that they are planning to pay early Thu AM. PM's have been sent to all parties.

    Alternate List

    1. baseballfan
    2. Arsenal
    3. Yanksfan1976
    4. initialD
    5. ndleo
    6. ifyoucanthinkofit

    Right now the randomization live stream is looking like it will take place either this Thu at noon Pacific or this Fri around 5pm Pacific. I will try to provide more definite info soon.

  • ugaskidawgugaskidawg Posts: 882 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Steve for offering this up. I know it is a lot of hassle, but hopefully you free up some funds for your other projects!

  • secretstashsecretstash Posts: 1,396 ✭✭✭✭
    I would vote for a Friday at 5 pm pst so that way majority of us can watch. No way on Thursday at noon can the majority not be working.

  • bighurt2000bighurt2000 Posts: 1,022 ✭✭✭

    I vote for tonight at 8 pm. I don't know why were not all paid up for this already. It is usually a good idea to have money before you spend it. Also there is this new thing called credit card.


  • CakesCakes Posts: 3,655 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have paid, sorry for the delay.

    Successful coin BST transactions with Gerard and segoja.

    Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭

    @secretstash said:
    I would vote for a Friday at 5 pm pst so that way majority of us can watch. No way on Thursday at noon can the majority not be working.


    This is my thought too. I cannot do it tonight or Wed due to work conflicts, so Thursday afternoon or Friday night would be the soonest possibility.

  • LOTSOSLOTSOS Posts: 1,308 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @slum22 said:

    @secretstash said:
    I would vote for a Friday at 5 pm pst so that way majority of us can watch. No way on Thursday at noon can the majority not be working.


    This is my thought too. I cannot do it tonight or Wed due to work conflicts, so Thursday afternoon or Friday night would be the soonest possibility.

    As the person organizing this just pick a date and time that works for you and stick to it no matter how much bitching you get. To many people involved in this to appease everyone.

    Thanks again for running the break.



  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭

    @Harvak said:
    Gents, my vote on this was simply that, a vote. Bring on the 133rd card !!!

    Thank you for relenting on this matter @Harvak. In an ironic twist, I messaged @baseballfan and he thanked us for the offer but he is not sure if he will take part after all as he moved on from the set break and bid on some other items for his collection. At this point we will move forward with a 132 card break unless @baseballfan changes his mind and decides he does want in. He has until the deadline @noon tomorrow to notify me of payment for his slot. Since this slot was only a "makeup" for my omission of him from the break in the initial listing, slot 133 will not be available for alternates as it was only intended to be a correction of an error and not a way to add people to the break. I think the alternates will understand. There is one slot left outstanding and the member has already PM'd me indicating that payment will be made in the AM tomorrow so I am expecting all slots to be paid and accounted for, but alternates please check in tomorrow afternoon sometime to make sure. Again, thanks to all who have participated. This has been a very smooth break so far and I appreciate everyone who has made it that way. Now onto the fun part...

    ***********************************MAJOR UPDATE*******************************************************



  • baseballfanbaseballfan Posts: 5,464 ✭✭✭

    I have informed Steve already that I will not be participating in the break.

    good luck all cant wait to see the results.


    collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.

    looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started

  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭


    Wait it's only Thursday


  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 21, 2016 2:02AM

    The URL for the live stream will be:


    Looking forward to it!

  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 22, 2016 11:50PM

    I am posting this on both threads in hopes that all the eyes that need to see it will find it:

    Thanks again to all who have participated. The first group of cards were shipped Saturday afternoon. A total of about 35 went out. I am trying to get the remaining cards out on Monday. However, I am missing addresses for a number of participants. Please check the list below to see if I need your address. If so, please PM me your shipping info as soon as possible so I can get the cards out expediently. If your name is not on this list your cards are either already on their way or packaged and ready to drop off at the PO on Mon.

    Need your shipping info:


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