The real reason PCGS turnaround times have been behind schedule?

Just picked these up yesterday with a friend of mine... now that these are out of the way, turnaround times should be getting back to normal!!!
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
Of course I'm kidding
This was actually a donation of PCGS Boxes that were donated to area coin clubs by Stacks Bowers yesterday along with a trailer full of old auction catalogs!
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
That is the modern day equivalent of this other pic, though I like his vault better than yours
So turnaround times are not going to improve. Thanks for getting our hopes up.
Haha, no doubt that was a better hoard!
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
Any coins left in the boxes?
Just what in the heck are you going to do with that load of plastic?
==Looking for pre WW2 Commems in PCGS Rattler holders, 1851-O Three Cent Silvers in all grades
Successful, problem free and pleasant transactions with: illini420, coinguy1, weather11am,wayneherndon,wondercoin,Topdollarpaid,Julian, bishdigg,seateddime, peicesofme,ajia,CoinRaritiesOnline,savoyspecial,Boom, TorinoCobra71, ModernCoinMart, WTCG, slinc, Patches, Gerard, pocketpiececommems, BigJohnD, RickMilauskas, mirabella, Smittys, LeeG, TomB, DeusExMachina, tydye
Any collectible boxes in the hoard??
Turnaround times will improve. Trust me and try to be patient this Fall.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Whoops, I forgot there's an LOL button!
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
What happened to the bumper? Backed into and punched by a tow ball while parked or kicked with a steel toe boot?
How priceless would it be to park it just like that outside a coin show, leave it unattended, and watch from afar?
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
I'm sure there are no coins! Most likely going to bring a good number of them to our club's coin show on October 23. Will try to raise a few bucks for the club by selling them to attendees who might need a box or two... or ten
Will also give them to kids for free if they want them.
Much better than seeing them all go into the trash.
@Lakesammman nothing old there, just all newer blue PCGS boxes and some black Stacks/Bowers cardboard slab boxes.
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
They're being donated to homeless coin collectors. At least their coin slabs will have a home.
And to think a few months back the rumor was no more blue boxes......
What, no plastic recycling in Kommiefornia ?
"Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon
It's my friend's car so don't know for sure. But I'd guess that it's from hitting his own trailer repeatedly
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448