Attention Dealers
Make sure you business is listed on CoinZip
We receive email every day from people asking where to sell their coins or how to place a value on their coins.
Here is an example.
Message:I have a 1944 set of coins. A steel penny is in the set. Where can I get an appraisal in my area. Wilsonville, Illinois. I was given the set by my late husband. Thank you for any help you can give me.
We respond to these types of email with a list of dealer locations & phone numbers from our database. Register now to add your business to the database, its FREE...
We receive email every day from people asking where to sell their coins or how to place a value on their coins.
Here is an example.
Message:I have a 1944 set of coins. A steel penny is in the set. Where can I get an appraisal in my area. Wilsonville, Illinois. I was given the set by my late husband. Thank you for any help you can give me.
We respond to these types of email with a list of dealer locations & phone numbers from our database. Register now to add your business to the database, its FREE...
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