Hand delivering a Bobby Orr rookie to PSA...from Toronto to L.A.

Howard Berger is a hockey writer out of Toronto and he recently posted this account of getting his Bobby Orr rookie graded. He, unfortunately, experienced something we all have at one time or another when submitting a card?
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He has a great hockey card collection he collected at the time. His blog and archives are worth reading if you're a hockey fan.
Between The Posts
He has a great hockey card collection he collected at the time. His blog and archives are worth reading if you're a hockey fan.
What does this card bring in a PSA 5?
it is comical how critical this board is of other people's cards
regarding the orr, like everything else rookie related, times have definitely changed. in the 2005-2007 time frame , I had 5 of these. 2 psa 8's , a gai 8 and a psa 7 and a bvg 6 . the 8's cost about 4500-5000 , the 7 1800 , the gai 8 3000 and the bvg 6 1000.
now an 8 garners an international flight and a cross country drive.
you guys are funny. no wrinkle that card is an 8 all day long. those corners are so within the guidelines of an 8 and better than most and with that centering , the card is an easy 8. The picture is taken with too much color which makes the slight touches shine. in hand I would bet that card is jaw dropping.
it is comical how critical this board is of other people's cards.
I thought that card was at least a 7. I'm sure if it didn't have a minor crease (or two) it would have been.
I only asked what a PSA 5 sells for to see the potential value. I could see this card being a PSA 6.5 all day but just don't see a PSA 8.
Agree that the corners probably look worse than they are due to the scan. Disagree that it's PSA 8 materials.
I think that's the problem actually. It looks like a photo not a scan. It's slightly out of focus and the colors are overblown just like his photo in the L.A. Airport.
Now of all the players that are often in the conversation for the GOAT in hockey, to me Orr has the worst rookie card. I know that it was a tip of the hat to hockey's coming of age on TV but I'm just not a fan of the TV set look. Are there worse designs? Absolutely! But if I was given the chance to own one and only one gem I'd take the Gretzky and Howe over the Orr everytime and that's despite the fact that I would personally rank him first on the GOAT list!
you guys are funny. no wrinkle that card is an 8 all day long. those corners are so within the guidelines of an 8 and better than most and with that centering , the card is an easy 8. The picture is taken with too much color which makes the slight touches shine. in hand I would bet that card is jaw dropping.
it is comical how critical this board is of other people's cards
regarding the orr, like everything else rookie related, times have definitely changed. in the 2005-2007 time frame , I had 5 of these. 2 psa 8's , a gai 8 and a psa 7 and a bvg 6 . the 8's cost about 4500-5000 , the 7 1800 , the gai 8 3000 and the bvg 6 1000.
now an 8 garners an international flight and a cross country drive.
It is a great card no doubt. Kudos to him for putting it all out there for all to see. I think he probably got some not so great advice lets just say for those looking for business with him if he got the impression he could make a load of money after deducting the grading costs, hotel, food, and jumping on and off internationally flights like they were taxis in NYC. Starting off~5k in the hole is a big gamble counting on an 8 or higher to pay for it. Just my opinion. He made his own decision in the end, but went a little overboard it seems. I mentioned that we have all had bad grading judgment experiences(expecting a higher grade). There are certainly more economical ways to do it. I think part of the criticism stems from the manner in which he did it. Maybe I am just hater
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