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Beckett Price Guides

Talk about sticker shock! image Let me preface this by saying I haven't bought one in over 15-20 years. I think the last one I bought was $3.50. image I've been coming over here on and off for 6 months and thought about picking up a BB, FB & BKB (maybe back issues a couple months old) to see what pricing is and the explosion of newer (2000) issues. How many pages do these guides have now? Just an OLD Aaron fan wondering if my league leaders and other cheap cards I picked up in the late '80's had much value. As a grieving Thunder fan I see a Durant cover for July and might see if ebay has a reasonable price for one. This is not a complaint, just an observation. I'd probably have a heart attack if I checked new car pricing. image

Dad 1916-2014


  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hiya Danny

    This months Beckett BB goes about 225+ pages but they only cover sets from 1980 on.

    This is geared to the modern collector IMO.

    But, if I'm curious about any BB card?

    I go to the "sold" items on eBay to gear what something is going for.

    Many here who need better info are subscribing to VCP to get the low down on a vintage card since they give specific auction results both eBay and AHs.

    I get Beckett BB just to read what's going on and probably nostalgia a bit?

    This is about the extent of my knowledge.

    I do miss Tuff Stuff tho - was a favorite of mine to read back in the day.

    And who doesn't miss the old SCD before the internet - sheerly for the excitement of seeing what's in the new edition.
  • I miss Tuff Stuff and SCD as well. I recently bought a lot of old Becketts from the mid to late eighties and it took me back in time in a good way! I loved it!
  • craig44craig44 Posts: 11,528 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have tons of old back issues. I really mean tons. Tuff stuff was my favorite, but I also liked sports card trader and baseball card magazine. I remember how strange it seemed when tuff stuff shrunk the size of their magazine to standard size in the early 90's

    George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.

  • mtcardsmtcards Posts: 3,340 ✭✭✭
    99.99% of the prices in Beckett are wrong! From a pricing standpoint, I wouldnt use Beckett to price anything. As mentioned earlier, the best place to look is the sold listings on ebay for a general idea of what something is worth. Beckett has stated it does not use pricing from ebay as they consider it a "wholesale" venue and not retail. I find that thinking kind of backwards as a good portion if not a majority of cards sold occur online, especially on ebay.

    As for the sticker shock on the price of the guide, yes, it is nuts, especially for something as inaccurate as the pricing. I tend to purchase one of each sport every year as a catalogue and quick reference guide, but tend to ignore the pricing.
  • ChiefsFan1stChiefsFan1st Posts: 845 ✭✭✭
    I miss Tuff Stuff as well. Had to go look in the card closet when I read this thread. I had a subscription back in the day. Sure enough, still have my last issue, April '07. Some dude named David Wright of the Mets on the cover. Not a BB guy, so Im not familiar with the name. The mag. is still sealed, that blows my mind. I must of been on a temporary pause from the hobby then. Or possibly my "unopened gene" was kicking in, who knows. LOL

    Yea, back in the day (before internet), Beckett was "the bible of sports cards". I have 2 plastic totes of old Becketts. Not sure whyimage .

    Never trust the pricing, but still a fun read from time to time.
    I dont wanna grow up, Im a Toys-R-Us kid!
  • MrNearMintMrNearMint Posts: 1,209 ✭✭✭
    I pretty much agree with what everyone has already said. I'm a member on the Beckett forums as well and from what I've read/understand is that a Beckett price guide is primarily used for trading prices.
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