PWCC withdrawals

Ok guys. I will be the first to admit and I am sure I am not the only one. As much as controversy as PWCC may stir on this board at times I have always had good experience with them. They bring consistently some of the top cards day after day and I want some new eye candy to drool over. I hope this post National hiatus ends soon.
On the hunt high grade Star Basketball.
i think it will be a big listing because they skipped a month of auctions for the national. Likely a ton of stuff....I assume more stuff = lower prices as more options available.....may be wrong.
they skipped a month?...seems Aug 2nd i sent them a big check....ugh....hate to see the next auction....ive been hoping for the lower prices but never seem to find them.
actually, you are watched items is very small esp. vs ended..