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PCGS Samples By Year Of Issue, 2013-14 (Updated 3-24-18)

LakesammmanLakesammman Posts: 17,372 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited March 24, 2018 3:43PM in U.S. Coin Forum
Moving this thread back to PCGS from ATS, breaking it up into smaller chunks so it won't crash.

Samples that defy being pigeon-holed into a generation! The holders/samples that follow just don't fit neatly into the PCGS generations scheme but are still collectible. I've chosen to simply put them into the year of issue as that is the easiest way to find out if you need them or not. Each year will be the heading followed by the holders/samples that fit best in that year. This includes the Asian and European samples. Listing by year facilitates finding them to see if you have vs need them.


February 2013 LB show with a 2009-D Lincoln 1c.

Another Asian sample, HICC with specific dates this time, April 2013. No bar code or web site address on the reverse.

These were given out during the June 2013 Long Beach show - it has the month but not the dates. Not sure if there is a P MM or not.

Graduation "sample" handed out at the completion of the grading classes taught by PCGS at the Long Beach shows. Not really an advertising "Sample" so placed here as a PCGS collectible slab.

Another LB PCGS sample, this from Sept. 2013. Interesting to see the 2011 date on the reverse. I've seen these with D and S MM's. Any P's out there??

Not exactly sure if this was given out at the Sept. 2013 or earlier. Bought it in a lot of coins that included the Feb. and Sept. 2013 LB samples, so am guessing it was given out in 2013. If you know specifically, let me know. Features a Teddy Roosevelt dollar.

Sample from the October 2013 Korea show. This from CoinWeek. The three-day show in Seoul, October 26 to the 28th, 2012, was sponsored by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the Bank of Korea and Shinhan Bank. A PCGS Authorized Dealer in Korea, Coinstore (www.pcgs.com), hosted a meeting to introduce PCGS services to the presidents of local coin clubs.

If I’m reading the international date correctly , this sample was issued during the Nov. 2013 BICE show.


PCGS "sample" given to YN's for completion of the treasure hunt held at the Feb. 2014 show.

Neat looking label from the Feb. 2014 WMF in Berlin.

Hong Kong show, HICC, April 2014. Comes with the newer version holder introduced in 2014 but with a solid color insert on one side, colorful on the other, no hologram.


These 3 are from the June 2014 Long Beach show, the last with a 2013-D Kennedy. I'm told that the YN's were able to choose from a variety of samples at the end of the treasure hunt. The 50th Anniversary LB sample was said to be the least common and therefor least selected by the YN's. It will be interesting to see how many appear on the secondary market. Update These were also available at the Sept. 2014 LB show. In Sept. 2014 the 50th Anniversary Kennedy's were offered on eBay, the P version bringing $132, the D version $188!

PCGS and Stansberry, an investment advisory service, have a longstanding relationship. PCGS issues these for the occasions when they get together and if a few extra are made, they come available on the secondary market. This one commemorates a tour of Collectors Universe in 2014.

This is a very interesting sample for several reasons. It's the first from a Canadian show that I've seen. PCGS wasn't physically in attendance but the sample was included in the convention packet for the dealers. The show was in Toronto August 13 through 16, 2014. There were 43 dealers with 63 tables, so the number made could be as low as 45. If anyone knows how many were made and who else might have gotten them, please let me know. Finally, the slab/hologram is a style from a earlier generation pre-dating 2014. The coin is a 2014 50c piece. The queen isn't sneezing - it's a scratch in the plastic. One brought $89.89 on eBay Nov. 14.

Sample from the HICC show in Hong Kong August 2014. It's interesting that the Asian samples will occasionally have the date range for the show, something you don't typically see on the American samples.

This dime made it's appearance at the Sept. 2014 Long Beach show and like the others, was a prize for the YN treasure hunt. A enterprising YN consigned several to Mike Kittle, this one bringing $81 on eBay Sept. 2014. Photo's courtesy of Mike Kittle.

This 5c piece made it's debut at the Sept. 2014 LB show as well. It comes with the P and D MM's. In Sept. 2014 the P version brought $76.57, the D version $81.80. Photo's courtesy of Mike Kittle.

This 1c sample made it's debut at the Sept. 2014 LB show as well. On Sept. 2014 2 were offered on eBay, one selling for $56.55, the other for $61.62. Photo's courtesy of Mike Kittle.

This Great Basin NP 25c sample was first spotted at the 9/14 LB show. It brought $50.52 on eBay Sept. 2014. Photo's courtesy of Mike Kittle.

This is from the Beijing International Coin Expo (BICE), the largest coin show in China held October 2014.

The 1st Macau International Coin & Precious Metals Expo, MICAPE opened Dec. 2014. As noted in a PCGS press release, While supplies last, each submitter in Macau will receive a free coin housed in the new, crystal clear, scratch resistant holders introduced by PCGS earlier this year. Each holder features a specially-designed Macau commemorative insert label. I'm not sure how many were made or given out.

Non-Sample These started appearing on ebay Nov. 2014, the Morgan selling for $250 as a BIN. It remains to be seen how common these are (some are being sold 10 at a time!) and I'm more inclined to include them here in the year category rather than as a true sample since they are pieces being made/sold for profit by a company rather than a true PCGS sample. After being told it was a one-off sample (by the seller) several more appeared around Christmas 2014 (Morgan and Peace dollars). Other denominations seen so far include Lincoln cents, Jefferson 5c, Mercury and Roosevelt dimes, WA quarters and Franklin/Kennedy 50c pieces. After seeing one in person, it's the old style blue-tint holder with the newer reverse sticker but with the prior hologram rather than the Dupont hologram. If nothing else, it's an interesting transition style.
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose.

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