Question for the older members regarding 1969C and 1969D FRNs

Does anybody know about the suspension of currency production in January and February of 1974 ?
Did either of these months have no currency production ?
From what I can tell, currency production was at a trickle by December 1973, but resumed in March of 1974.
Any info / insight would be a great help.
Did either of these months have no currency production ?
From what I can tell, currency production was at a trickle by December 1973, but resumed in March of 1974.
Any info / insight would be a great help.
Obviously this is a little bit of an educated guess on my part.
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.
Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!
Looking for $50 FRN 00000061 has extended the serial numbers back to January 1974, but the tables are blocky.
Some of data for January and February 1974 are lumped together.
Yes, for a brief time in early 1974, the BEP ceased currency production in order to produce gas ration coupons that were anticipated to have been needed starting March 1 of that year. Ultimately the gas ration coupons were never used.
Occasionally I see those coupons for auction on
I vaguely remember the embargo, I was a young kid - I do remember gas lines and my mother griping about filling up the car - a 1964 Ford Galaxy - it was a boat.
My first car while in college was a baby blue 1964 Galaxy 500 with a big V8 and 4 barrel carburetor that I wish I still had. Just before the embargo I remember pulling into a Texaco station and the attendant (this was before the days of pump your own) came out and asked "fill 'er up?" Being a student of fairly limited means (altho I was buying coins when I could of course) I replied, no just $3 worth. The attendant looked puzzled and asked "what's the difference?" thinking the that was close to the cost to fill the tank. Prices have increased a tad since then...
Yes, for a brief time in early 1974, the BEP ceased currency production in order to produce gas ration coupons that were anticipated to have been needed starting March 1 of that year. Ultimately the gas ration coupons were never used.
So there was no currency production at all ?
So there was no currency production at all ?
Right. At a senate hearing in May 1974, BEP director James Conlon reported on the bureau's recent activities and explained how the BEP had made arrangements with the Federal Reserve to stop currency production in order to produce the estimated quantity of gas ration coupons needed by March 1. Interestingly, the BEP at that time also unexpectedly had to increase production of postage stamps due to an unanticipated delay in the implementation of a postal rate increase. Conlon didn't cite a precise amount of time that currency production was on hiatus, only that production was laid aside for "an interim period of time."
I was looking on, and for most of the denominations, there was no production in January 1974. For the series 1969D $1 BD and LD blocks, he has those listed as January / February 1974. It looks like those ranges properly belong to February 1974, and there was no production in January.
It appears so far that the production for February 1974 consisted of $1's (BD and LD) and POSSIBLY some $10's.