Beware Scammer

There is a guy on eBay right now contacting people with high grade Psa cards like 86 Jordan and Tom Brady Contenders Psa 10. He is trying to trade them for legitimate cards by sending his first. Problem is his are bogus. Just a heads up he's everywhere right now with multiple accounts out of California.
LaJoie Portrait 3+, Cy Young Bare Hand 3+
Ty Cobb Bat Off 4+, ANY Red & Green Portrait
This may be the guy who tried to scam me and failed. I have his phone number and am working to trace him to a street address.
What ship to address is he providing?
Haven't been contacted since I don't collect a lot of cards.
Have you received some of the cards?
If so. Can you scan and show?
Are these fake PSA or SGC flips or what?
Just curious.
The link above is where I first heard about it. Then recently I was contacted about trading a Psa 9 Jordan for a card just like link above. He was willing to send it to me first (red flag ).
The link above is where I first heard about it. Then recently I was contacted about trading a Psa 9 Jordan for a card just like link above. He was willing to send it to me first (red flag ).
Wow. It concerns me that sealed PSA holder fooled a collector when it was in-hand.
Are you interested in trading your 1933 Goudey Lou Gehrig Card? I have a bargain trade to offer you. Your 1933 Goudey Lou Gehrig Card is valued at roughly 1,325 dollars. The link to an Ebay listing for a card identical to your card is at: I would trade you a 1986 Fleer Michael Jordan Rookie Card, two Walter Payton Rookie Cards, and fifteen other vintage cards for your Lou Gehrig Card. My Michael Jordan Rookie Card is valued at approximately 2,160 dollars. It is ungraded, but it appears to be authentic. The link to an Ebay listing for a card identical to my card is at: I recently received an offer of 1,600 dollars for my card. My Walter Payton Rookie Cards are valued at 500 dollars in total. A link to an Ebay listing for a card identical to my cards is at: The reasoning for offering you a bargain deal is that I am not interested in basketball or football. I have been scammed on Ebay, so I am hesitant to list these cards on Ebay. I don't need money, so I would primarily like a card to enjoy. Would you like to make this trade? I suppose you could trade with me and perhaps resell my cards. Consequentially, you could purchase an improved 1933 Goudey Lou Gehrig Card. I would ship my cards to you and you could ship your card to me. If you don't want to make this deal, what cards would you want for your Lou Gehrig Card?
My reply to him was to take his lame scam attempt and go eff off.