The Census Calls These Two Teenagers

These are 2 recent pick-ups and are both new to the census....the $50 now has 15 and the $10 now has 16.Unlike actual teenagers,these are pretty rare items.I'm pretty excited about these and just had to share...enjoy!

Collector of numeral seals.That's the 1928 and 1928A series of FRNs with a number rather than a letter in the district seal. Owner/operator of Bottom Line Currency
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.
Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!
Looking for $50 FRN 00000061
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