Please explain how this card graded a 2

I inspected it VERY carefully for creases and wrinkles and did not see any.
Can anyone see what I missed?

Can anyone see what I missed?

2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
Was hoping for a 5-6.
I don't see a pin hole, doesn't add up without a hole. NICE card. The Dude
I personally have never seen a PSA 2 with a pinhole; thought those are an automatic 1.
I don't see a pin hole, doesn't add up without a hole. NICE card. The Dude
I personally have never seen a PSA 2 with a pinhole; thought those are an automatic 1.
They are.
Nice card Joe!
Thanks for the kind words guys!!!!!!
If at first you don't succeed, well, you know.......resubmit!
Is there a tiny bit of paperloss on the back center? From the first 'e' in 'derecha' through the 's' in 'pesa'. If not, no idea on why it's a 2.
Sometimes the magnification that we see in the OP still does not show surface issues like that compared to just holding the card in your hands. Take a close look for any tiny specks of surface paper flaws on back looking at the card and see if you see anything you missed before.
From left to right:
1. If that's a scratch on the card and not the case, could be a reason for the 2 (deep enough to see white through the blue)
2. Previously mentioned
3. Looks like a lot of dust inside the plastic stabilizer in general and this one could just be an artifact of that, but I would double check for some sort of bubble/divot to be sure.
Something looks funky with the 'o' in 'mento' at the start of the 2nd to last line of text as well, but doesn't appear it could be surface related.
Great looking card regardless and is going to be either one that presents much better than it's technical grade or another case of, to paraphrase Johnnie Cochran, 'if the grade doesn't fit, you must resubmit'.
Possible glue residue on reverse, so light you can hardly tell it's there (if it even is).
I would resub until it gets at least a 4. Perhaps the potential of glue residue is what caused the initial grade, but I don't see the same possible issues in the current scan other than some discoloration previously mentioned.
Thanks for the feedback. It's going back in.
On your newer scan the scratch (?) I had previously noted on the right arm brown sleeve is gone. Could of been something on your scanner. Good luck with the resub.
Scanner was dirty.