New note from Memphis with a backstory

The backstory: The coat of arms of Rhode Island in colonial times had a motto taken from Psalm 30:2 which in Latin begins: "In te Domine speravi." The English translation is inexact; but this phrase means something like - "In you God I have put my hope/trust."
The motto is first seen on Rhode Island notes in 1715 as the plural perfect: "In Te Domine Speramus-" meaning in you O Lord we have hope/trust. In 1737 the motto on Rhode Island notes was briefly changed to the original Latin phrase "In Te Domine Speravi" only to revert in 1741 to "In Te Domine Speramus" which appears on most Rhode Island notes from then until 1786.
Sometime in the mid 19th century the motto was shortened to the single word: "Hope" which along with an anchor has been the official seal of Rhode Island since 1875. It can be seen on RI first charter notes as well as brown backs.
Memphis pick up: In the early 19th century there are a few notes with a transitional motto and I was lucky enough to obtain one in Memphis.

Note the motto "In God we Hope" below the anchor is transitional between the Latin "In Te Domine Speramus" and "Hope" and occurs before the similar use of In God we Trust and related versions on US coins and currency.
The motto is first seen on Rhode Island notes in 1715 as the plural perfect: "In Te Domine Speramus-" meaning in you O Lord we have hope/trust. In 1737 the motto on Rhode Island notes was briefly changed to the original Latin phrase "In Te Domine Speravi" only to revert in 1741 to "In Te Domine Speramus" which appears on most Rhode Island notes from then until 1786.
Sometime in the mid 19th century the motto was shortened to the single word: "Hope" which along with an anchor has been the official seal of Rhode Island since 1875. It can be seen on RI first charter notes as well as brown backs.
Memphis pick up: In the early 19th century there are a few notes with a transitional motto and I was lucky enough to obtain one in Memphis.

Note the motto "In God we Hope" below the anchor is transitional between the Latin "In Te Domine Speramus" and "Hope" and occurs before the similar use of In God we Trust and related versions on US coins and currency.
Really enjoyed the backstory and learned something. Thanks.
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Las Vegas was not even in existence until 1905....late to the game, 'eh? Nevada: 1864....
Cool note and great read...
@cinch: fantastic notes on your website; thanks for the information on Samuel Ward King.
Are there any obsoletes or nationals that carry the full name of the state - Rhode Island and Providence Plantations?
The notes issued in the 18th century sure did.