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Opinions welcomed

I am going to take advantage of the May monthly special and send in a stack of notes for grading at the end of this month (May). That being said I plan to move to a new home we are currently building. The last thing I want is for my notes to come back to a house I have left, or go to a house that is not complete. I know that the submission process has greatly improved (and I do appreciate it) but for the sake of planning on which address to put on the return label, How long is the Monthly Special process currently taking. My new closing date is August 1, 2016 If I send the notes in at the end of May, can i expect it to take Less, or Longer than eight weeks. I am just looking for honest opinions from those that have "been there and done that"

We all know that it would be devastating to lose a stack in the move shuffle...

Any advise or input is greatly appreciated

Dana Wood


2015 Certificate Award Winner 2016 Certificate Award Winner


  • TookybanditTookybandit Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭
    Consider opening up a PO Box near your new home prior to your submission.
  • techwritertechwriter Posts: 584 ✭✭
    image with Tookybandit. And it is more secure.

    Couple of personal experiences with Monthly Specials:

    1. received by PCGS: 5/22/2015 sent back: 9/3/2015

    2. received by PCGS: 12/8/2015 sent back: 5/12/2016

    In fairness remember that the Monthly Special turnaround time depends on work-load at

    PCGS; show schedules; holidays, etc.
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    Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM


  • jwbradfordjwbradford Posts: 37 ✭✭
    Also, please feel free to call our office and work out arrangements for shipping. Our staff can help with making sure that if they are shipped after a certain date, they are shipped to a different address. Or simply write "call before shipping" in large letters across the top of the submission form...that will usually get our attention. image
    Jason W. Bradford
    President, PCGS Currency

  • Ship them to your work address instead of home.

    I personally would go with what Jason said. Just don't put in a shipping address, just write call before shipping.
    Come and see a forgotten piece of history.....


    Always looking for more depression scrip -- PM me if you have any for sale or trade
  • delistampsdelistamps Posts: 716 ✭✭✭
    I have found that calling the office gets results. They are very helpful.
  • AUandAGAUandAG Posts: 24,807 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hmmmm, have you thought of telling the Post Office of your new address when you move so that they will forward

    all of your mail sent to your old address????

    i've moved 5 times in the last 10 years and have relied on my Post Office entirely. They have not missed a beat yet....All but

    3rd class mail has been forwarded, 100%

    Registry: CC lowballs (boblindstrom), bobinvegas1989@yahoo.com
  • Excellent Ideas, I want t thank all that replied. I am going to send the in, contact the office, contact the post office, put an address forwarding card in, talk to the mailman at both ends, And pray to the "Collectors Gods".

    Thanks to all for the replies and good advise.

    Dana Wood


    2015 Certificate Award Winner 2016 Certificate Award Winner
  • delistampsdelistamps Posts: 716 ✭✭✭

    Alternatively, you are welcome to simply have PCGS send your notes to me. Since I've purchased notes from you I'm sure you already have my PO Box, but if not I'll PM you.


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