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Why are some cards not counted in the weighting of a set?

Recently I have added numerous cards to one of my sets and nearly all of them are indicating that the card is optional and not counted in the set weighting. Some don't make any sense. Like an Xfractor of one card is allowed while the Refractor is not counted. How does PSA determine whether a card will or will not be counted in the weighting? Is it possible that these cards were marked like that in error?


  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,883 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would suggest you contact PSA/Registry and ask...better yet, try to call Cosetta Robbins there...she is about the most patient person on this planet and honestly tries to help in any way she can. If you prefer, you can try CRobbins@Collectors.com. Be brief in explaining your situation...above all, I would advise to be cordial and understanding.

    I've had several dealings with Cosetta, Joe and others at PSA, the chips didn't always fall my way, but their explanation was worthy of accepting their rationale.

  • miwlvrnmiwlvrn Posts: 4,266 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: sleepingbear

    Recently I have added numerous cards to one of my sets and nearly all of them are indicating that the card is optional and not counted in the set weighting. Some don't make any sense. Like an Xfractor of one card is allowed while the Refractor is not counted. How does PSA determine whether a card will or will not be counted in the weighting? Is it possible that these cards were marked like that in error?

    This is because the items were added to the compositions after April 30. They will become required, weighted items, in black instead of red, after June 1. This way, it gives competitors a fair month to acquire items before the annual awards deadline. It happens for any items added during May each year. Any other month and it is straight to black without the waiting period.

  • Thank you MCMLVTopps and miwlvrn for replying to my post. I have no problem waiting the month as long as they will eventually be added to the weighting.
  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭
    Miwlvrn is right.
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