$100 mystery?

Hello all,
I have a $100 bill mystery that I'm hoping you can help me with.
I know there are Gold Certificates from 1928 & 1934 where the serial number is printed in yellow and that gold certificates were discontinued after the 1934 batch, but I have a 1966 $100 bill with yellow printing. The bill itself doesn't say "gold certificate" anywhere on it.
It looks identical to the red inked 1966 $100 bill, but everywhere the red ink is at, mine is yellow.
I've search the forums and the Internet but haven't been able to find any information on this.
Does anyone have any information they could share with me about this?
Thank you in advance.
I have a $100 bill mystery that I'm hoping you can help me with.
I know there are Gold Certificates from 1928 & 1934 where the serial number is printed in yellow and that gold certificates were discontinued after the 1934 batch, but I have a 1966 $100 bill with yellow printing. The bill itself doesn't say "gold certificate" anywhere on it.
It looks identical to the red inked 1966 $100 bill, but everywhere the red ink is at, mine is yellow.
I've search the forums and the Internet but haven't been able to find any information on this.
Does anyone have any information they could share with me about this?
Thank you in advance.
google yellow seal on ebay in the US currency area and you'll see
My ex-wife worked at a bank and spotted it about 15 years ago during a cash delivery.
This type of thing has been done for years in an attempt to scam the unknowing buyer.
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