Please Tell Me One of You Sent This As a Cruel Joke :)

and for only 5 Million each.... Poor guy spent $8.62 to mail this package certified. Ill spare you the 32 page (literally) wikipedia printout about the deceleration of independence.
I guess this should be filed under "why currency dealers drink"

I guess this should be filed under "why currency dealers drink"

I think you should compromise and offer him 5mill for the set... Win/Win
Collector of DC Nationals (want list in yellow)
Ebay Auctions
May 11, 2016
Mr. Billy Malik Ford
RE: Special Serial Numbered Currency
Dear Mr. Ford,
Thank you for the kind offer to buy your notes. Unfortunately your notes do not carry any premium. I understand that one of them has the “1776” year in it but that does not qualify it as special. The note you pointed out in the article carries the actual July 4th, 1776 date (07041776) and is worth roughly $150-200 at most.
I would simply suggest spending the money per usual as I don’t think you will find any buyers for your pieces.
All My Best,
Jim Futrell
Tickle Your Fancy Currency
Collector of DC Nationals (want list in yellow)
I am convinced there are two types of people - those that get it, and those that don't. Clearly, this person is amongst the latter....
There are other paper money discussion boards on which posters oooh and aaah over numbers like this and tell people they are keepers.
I agree with lettow. I've seen new collectors use this website that gives a serial number a "coolness" factor, and tell others to keep notes that otherwise spenders.
Cool Numbers
There is no pic in the list.
Did Bill sell it for 5 Million to somebody else , or did Jim buy it afterall
awesome funny video
and got this response.... "This number is definitely uncool. It has a Universal Coolness Index of 45.2%"
"vampire numbers"......never heard of that one........"Vampire numbers A number is a vampire number if there exists a factorization of it using only the digits of the original number. The factorization is called the "fangs" of the original number.
Ill give you 5 million for it!
Collector of DC Nationals (want list in yellow)