Cool new National and a question

I really like collecting solid CH# notes and picked up this cool Date Back! I cannot find another DB sold on HA or LK for this CH#. Can someone take a peak at the census to see how many other DB's are listed? Much appreciated in advance!

FWIW, The current count is twice that of Kelly who reported only 3, a 5 and 2 10s. You might also recheck LFK where the 20 was reportedly sold in 2013.
Also FWIW, there's also an 1875 100 on the bank that was known to Kelly as well, What fun...
STLNATS, where did you find those numbers? I'm using Track and Price and it shows 1 5, 2 10's and 1 20. always wondered if there was a better source for a more accurate numbers. Another question about TP if you know, are the auction results actually selling prices or notes that are listed on Ebay, but might not have sold?
The nbncensus and the old kelly census. I mentioned kelly in my op but not the nbncensus which I always, but incorrectly, assume is understood. Sorry.
Kelly (which was provided on a CD in his last catalog) is still useful in that it provides a snapshot of how many new notes have been reported over the last decade and also to see which notes have been "known" for a long time. The big caveat on any census is that it is dependent on public sales or voluntary reporting. For instance many of the Newman MO nationals were not included in any census until their sale over the last year (a few STL notes filled BIG holes in my collection too). I'm aware of many notes that have never been reported in my little corner of the world. Last night as I was pursuing the LFK sale I saw a discussion of a note that was "known" to many local collectors but had not been reported/available to the census keepers.
Sorry to continue to opine, but FWIW, when nbn was having updating issues a couple of years ago I looked at TP and found it didn't really meet my needs. Didn't see pix and didn't seem to have treasury serials which can roughly date printing before 1924 or thereabouts and help validate/id errors in some of the legacy data (altho I think a lot of this has been cleaned up); haven't looked at it since so maybe it's gotten better on those issues. Don't know how TP updates; the sales on nbn seem to be auction houses with actual sale prices, dates, etc. I'm not sure how ebay sales are handled on either census. One last point, btw. There has been notable "grade inflation," or perhaps more correctly "adjustment," on many notes reported in the earlier censuses. What were pretty VFs are often now XF 40. Not sure if that's good or bad, but it is another reason to hang onto the earlier census just to watch how things have changed.
opine off...