Help with value please

in Stamps Forum
Today, my Grandma gave me my late Grandpa's stamp collection. He worked for the U.S. embassy in the 20s-40s so there are some old stamps from the US, Russia, China, Canada, Germany Belgium, Philippines, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and more. Here are some pictures of the album pages. Let me know if you guys see anything of value or if there are particular countries whose stamps might be valuable. Thank you in advance
[URL= Uploads/20160508_013239_zpsthovjhjn.jpg.html]
[URL= Uploads/20160508_013239_zpsthovjhjn.jpg.html]

Pull the 2c hawaii out and place that in ebay.... Put the rest in a garage sale and ask 30.00
and accept any offer.... If it was up to me, l would pay you to keep
How much should I ask for the 2C Hawaii?
The image of the two cent Hawaii stamp isn't good enough to make any call on its value. If it has faults of any kind the value will plummet. The best move may be to just describe it carefully along with a good photo and start it low with a true eBay auction.
Be happy with whatever it brings as it will be more than it cost you.
Scan the 2c hawaiin both sides and place it up at 99c...
Ebay bdders seem to love that 99c figure.
Make sure that you have a black background so the perforations
are the viewer..Do similar to what i have plaed in here.
About 1/8th of an inch should be ok... I have scanned a picture of
my misperfed 1 1/2c warren Harding with Washington DC pre cancel
both back and front.... Just remember the clearerit is for the viewer
the better chance of selling it.
Let the picture do the talking.... My scans are at 600dpi. You may like
to do the same
Thanks for the advice. There's actually 6 of them stacked behind it. How much would you expect each to fetch in that condition?
You need to stop worrying about how much they would fetch because stamps are a declining hobby and valuations are highly speculative. Since you don't want them just put them on eBay with good photos and descriptions and start them at 99 cents. They will fetch what they will fetch ... which is probably what they are worth.
Do the whole batch in one listing. If anyone has ...any...interest they MIGHT put in a bid and at least you'd be rid of them without tossing them.