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Image posting help!, edited w/ image.

Have been trying to post a photo (to edit,add to a previous post)

and still can't get the right size finalized.

Either too large or too small.

Have been trying at the test with little success.

Whats the best size or procedure to follow to post a US1$ bill.



Image added for size, will adjust color when I update OP.



  • delistampsdelistamps Posts: 716 ✭✭✭
    I use photobucket and edit my photos so they are 740 to 750 wide. The height adjusts automatically.

    Here's an example:


    Additionally, once I have the picture in photobucket I click on the Imaga box on the right hand side of the image and then simply paste the link into the message box on the forum. There are other ways to do it (e.g., using the picture icon at the top of the forum message box) but I find that tends to complicate things. If things don't work, you can try to look at the text that shows and you will find things like double image[/img] around your http address. If you have a tough time seeing the text, you can instead click on "Quote" at the bottom right of the message (Reply : Quote : Top : Bottom : Edit : Delete) and that will then give you a message box with all the text contained inside the quote and unquote symbols.

    I'm sure someone else could describe this in more proper techie terms but the limit of my deep binary knowledge is limited to fancy serial numbers!

  • spoilrspoilr Posts: 122
    Thanks for the info delistamps.

    I use tiny pic (part of the photobucket family)

    Don't know why but it doesn't appear that TP's program is as extensive with regards to image resizing as their parent co.

    In any case the 750 wide recommendation will give me a good place to start and when I get a chance I'll check it out.

    By the way, nice note!

    Thanks again

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