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From the Dept. of Redundancy Dept.

Ah, the things one finds while transcribing National proof sheets. Here's one from an obscure bank in eastern Oregon. Any other national banks with repetitive names like this?
Intrigued by all things intaglio.


  • The Concord National Bank of Concord (Massachusetts). I think there were a few other Mass. banks that were similar.
    The Foxboro National Bank of Foxborough (Mass again) is an interesting variation.
  • According to Peter Huntoon 17 banks had that form of title. He did not include the Foxboro(ugh) in that group.
    The Massachusetts ones in his list are:
    Dedham 669 The Dedham National Bank of Dedham
    Waltham 688
    Salem 704
    Marblehead 767
    Concord 833
    Taunton 957
    Northampton 1018
    Fitchburg 1077
    Pittsfield 1260
    Gloucester 13604 Only one without "THE" starting the title.
  • TookybanditTookybandit Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭
    Here are a couple of town name repeaters. image


  • Jim61Jim61 Posts: 986 ✭✭✭
    I was surprised to find this scanned. I think it is on topic.



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    Looking for $50 FRN 00000061
  • how about this one
    for clarification: I sold all my notes from this bank and this is an image from Heritage. I always thought it was a cool title. the word national is used 4 times --3 in the title and one in the " National Currency" on top


    Montani Semper Liberi (Mountaineers are always free)
  • Small size nationals are a bit of a strange beast. It is a bit of a puzzle if the bold town name is part of the title or the address. It can be one or the other. If it is part of the title the word "OF" will be included.

    The original poster's Paisley note would read The Paisley National Bank OF Paisley in small size. Of the recently posted notes, only Historymajor's has the "OF". Even then there are additional words in the title, so it is more than just the town name repeated.
  • Jim61Jim61 Posts: 986 ✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: ProofArtworkonCircs

    Small size nationals are a bit of a strange beast. It is a bit of a puzzle if the bold town name is part of the title or the address. It can be one or the other. If it is part of the title the word "OF" will be included.

    The original poster's Paisley note would read The Paisley National Bank OF Paisley in small size. Of the recently posted notes, only Historymajor's has the "OF". Even then there are additional words in the title, so it is more than just the town name repeated.

    Thanks for the clarification. Not my area which is why I stated "I think it is on topic." Alas, it is not.


    Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!

    Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.

    Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!

    Looking for $50 FRN 00000061
  • gsalexgsalex Posts: 218 ✭✭✭
    Yep, you need "OF" as a linkage, otherwise the city is not part of the bank's full name. It's less obvious on small size notes.

    Love the triple "National", HistoryMajor!
    Intrigued by all things intaglio.
  • gsalexgsalex Posts: 218 ✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: ProofArtworkonCircs
    Gloucester 13604 Only one without "THE" starting the title.

    I just noticed, the Paisley bank has no "THE" either.

    Out of curiosity, what are the others on Huntoon's list?
    Intrigued by all things intaglio.
  • I don't have Peter Huntoon's complete list.
  • larry510larry510 Posts: 566 ✭✭
    Just picked this one up today:image
  • gsalexgsalex Posts: 218 ✭✭✭
    As it happens, I just got an email response from Peter Huntoon today. He was kind enough to share this table, with all the redundant bank names. Sorry the formatting does not translate well as a post.

    List of issuing National Banks with titles having the form: TOWN National Bank of TOWN.

    Town State Charter Title

    Preposition is: of

    Gardner ME 1174 The Gardner National Bank of Gardner
    Dedham MA 669 The Dedham National Bank of Dedham
    Waltham MA 688 The Waltham National Bank of Waltham (a)
    Salem MA 704 The Salem National Bank of Salem
    Marblehead MA 767 The Marblehead National Bank of Marblehead
    Concord MA 833 The Concord National Bank of Concord (a)
    Taunton MA 957 The Taunton National Bank of Taunton
    Northampton MA 1018 The Northampton National Bank of Northampton (a)
    Fitchburg MA 1077 The Fitchburg National Bank of Fitchburg
    Pittsfield MA 1260 The Pittsfield National Bank of Pittsfield
    Gloucester MA 13604 Gloucester National Bank of Gloucester (b)
    Havana NY 343 The Havana National Bank of Havana
    Middleville NY 11656 The Middleville National Bank of Middleville
    Piqua OH 1006 The Piqua National Bank of Piqua
    Chillicothe OH 1277 The Chillicothe National Bank of Chillicothe
    Paisley OR 10432 Paisley National Bank of Paisley (a)
    Laramie WY 2518 The Laramie National Bank of Laramie

    Preposition is: in

    Durant OK 13018 The Durant National Bank in Durant (b)
    Wolfe City TX 13199 The Wolfe City National Bank in Wolfe City (b)
    Colorado TX 13562 Colorado National Bank in Colorado (b)
    Pearsall TX 13572 The Pearsall National Bank in Pearsall (b)

    a. Title is used on Series of 1929 notes.
    b. Title is used only on Series of 1929 notes.
    Intrigued by all things intaglio.
  • larry510larry510 Posts: 566 ✭✭
    Posted this one a couple of weeks ago but thought I'd post it in this thread since it's on the list. Note is now in a 40EPQ holder.

  • I would still give an honorable mention for:
    The Foxboro National Bank of Foxborough MA 9426

    There is also:
    The Northborough National Bank Northboro MA 1279
    note that this one has no "OF" and used mixed spellings in small size only.

    In small size only, there is also:
    The First National Bank of Centreville Centerville Iowa 337
    Possibly the large size notes with one spelling did not have the "OF" If anybody knows, please let me know.

    Also we have a small size note:
    The National City Bank of Lynn Lynn MA CN 697
    I don't have any other information on this bank. I think Peter Huntoon considered this one a government error.
  • gsalexgsalex Posts: 218 ✭✭✭
    Maybe I need to see these small size notes to understand how they qualify. I'm still not grasping how the town name is in the title twice. I do like the alternate spellings, though.
    Intrigued by all things intaglio.
  • See Jim61's illustration earlier in this thread.
    The Stroudsburg National Bank (title) Stroudsburg (address) has the town name twice.

    The redundant banks would read like
    The Stroudsburg National Bank OF Stroudsburg (title [doing double duty as address also]).
    Again the town name is there twice, but the "OF" (or "IN") is the key.

    The redundant banks in large size have the town name on them three times.
  • gsalexgsalex Posts: 218 ✭✭✭
    Here's another one I found today that fits this topic. From the National Bank of North Philadelphia, Philadelphia. In case you weren't sure where North Philadelphia was located.
    Intrigued by all things intaglio.
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