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FS: Prooflike Morgans, VAMs, high grade dollars, and a rare Fugio

Although I have not been active on message boards in quite some time (had to change my login from coxe to alefzero here as I think my password was forgotten), many collectors and dealers may know me. I have set up at major shows as Select Rarities and have handled some of the finest and rarest Morgan silver dollars, particularly the rarest prooflikes and premium VAMs, I have many still inventoried and like to see them make their way into the finest sets as well as those trying to build quality coin collections.

Below is a list of some of the many outstanding silver dollars I have for sale. You can find them on my website and I can add images here or in private correspondence if that is useful. I can negotiate on coins, individually or as package deals. I specified the VAM for each. If it is in brackets, then the variety adds no particular premium in my judgment. AOH means it is attributed on the holder.

1878 [VAM-2] 8TF NGC MS65DMPL AOH - outstanding gem DMPL, finest graded
1878 VAM-9 8TF NGC MS60PL AOH - undoubtedly among the first struck the initial day
1878 VAM-11 8TF ANACS MS63 AOH - actually VAM-17, but the important relic of the original Top 100
1878 [VAM-14.1A] 8TF PCGS MS65 AOH - nicely tone obverse, attributed as VAM-14.1
1878 VAM-14.16 8TF PCGS XF40 Details AOH - cleaned but rare Hot 50 variety
1878 VAM-15 8TF NGC MS62PL AOH - Top 100 variety in near Ch BU PL
1878 VAM-17 8TF NGC MS65 AOH - two of these, one marvelously toned and one white
1878 VAM-19 8TF PCGS 65PL/CAC AOH - finest 8TF prooflike graded by PCGS
1878 VAM-23 8TF NGC MS63DMPL AOH - outstanding Top 100 coin, usually found prooflike
1878 VAM-31 7/8TF NGC MS64DMPL AOH - relatively high grade specimen
1878 VAM-33A 7/8TF Weak NGC MS66 - also have one in NGC MS65, high grades but common weak 7/8TF variety
1878 VAM-36 7/8TF PCGS MS65 AOH - finest graded by PCGS
1878 VAM-40 7/8TF PCGS MS64PL/CAC AOH - finest PL graded by PCGS
1878 VAM-41A 7/8TF Weak PCGS MS65DMPL/CAC AOH - finest graded and cameo
1878 VAM-44 7/8TF PCGS AU50 Details AOH - prooflike EDS (unclashed) state of this King of VAMs Top 100 variety
1878 VAM-84 Rev 1878 PCGS MS64DMPL AOH - nice DMPL B1 variety
1878 VAM-84A Rev 1878 PCGS MS65PL AOH - finest prooflike B1 variety
1878 VAM-141 Rev 1878 NGC MS66 AOH - Superb gem Top 100, won't find a nicer one
1878 VAM-203 Rev 1879 PCGS MS65 AOH - two of these Top 100
1878 VAM-203A Rev 1879 PCGS MS62 AOH - attributed as VAM-203, rare UNC clashed late die state
1878-S VAM-22 PCGS MS64 AOH - finest Hot 50 specimen, very early rare die state with PL reverse
1878-S VAM-27 Long Nock ANACS AU55 AOH - in old small white holder, obviously market graded due to obverse staple scratch, I grade it as MS63PL details and it is possibly he finest example of this variety of the highly coveted B1-reverse long nocks
1879 [VAM-32] NGC MS65DMPL - rare gem DMPL with peripheral toning and medium deep cameo mirrors
1879-O VAM-28 PCGS AU58 AOH - rare Top 100 variety as close to mint state as possible
1879-S [VAM-36] PCGS MS67 - outstanding date or type set piece
1879-S VAM-46 Rev 1878 PCGS MS64 AOH - finest graded, arguably prooflike
1879-S VAM-51 Rev 1878 PCGS MS62PL - looks DMPL, but designated PL due to reverse die polish
1879-S VAM-52 Rev 1878 NGC MS64PL AOH - another rare PAF prooflike for the date
1880 VAM-6 PCGS MS62 AOH - tough Top 100 in mint state
1880 VAM-7 PCGS AU53 AOH - high-graded Top 100 overdate rarity
1880 VAM-11 PCGS MS66 AOH - finest of the more difficult to locate unclashed early state
1880 VAM-11A PCGS MS65 AOH - attributed as VAM-11, clashed later state in gem BU
1880 VAM-25A PCGS MS65DMPL AOH Discovery - attributed as VAM-25, this is the discovery piece (originally designated as VAM-1E) and is the finest Hit List 40 specimen as well
1880 VAM-32A PCGS MS64/CAC AOH - Hit List 40 example for the finest of sets
1880 [VAM-50] PCGS MS65DMPL - outstanding date or type set piece, also have a PCGS MS64DMPL
1880 VAM-53A NGC MS65 AOH - finest specimen of this elusive checkmark overdate variety, also have a PCGS MS64
1880-O VAM-6A PCGS MS64 AOH - more common overdate variety is uncommonly high grade
1880-O VAM-49 PCGS AU53 AOH - higher grade difficult Top 100 variety
1881-O [VAM-1E] PCGS MS65
1881-O VAM-27 PCGS MS61 AOH - rare variety in mint state
1881-S VAM-1B NGC MS66* - insanely gorgeous rainbow toned and sought die chip reverse variety, probably the finest you'll ever see
1882-O/S VAM-4 PCGS MS63 AOH
1882-O/S VAM-5 EDS NGC MS60DMPL AOH - rare in this state
1882-O VAM-7 PCGS MS65 AOH
1882-O [VAM-15] PCGS MS64DMPL
1882-O [VAM-24] NGC MS65
1882-O VAM-29A PCGS MS64/CAC - probably the finest known of this rare and sough clashed variety
1882-O [VAM-45] NGC MS65DMPL Discovery - gem DMPL and the variety's discovery piece
1882-S [VAM-18] NGC MS65DMPL - unlike previous S dates, this is rare in gem DMPL
1883 VAM-10 PCGS MS62 AOH - Top 100 sextupled stars in mint state
1883-O [VAM-1D] PCGS MS65DMPL/CAC - outstanding date or type specimen + cool variety
1883-O VAM-22A PCGS MS62+ AOH - difficult Hot 50 variety in relatively high grade
1884 VAM-4 PCGS MS64DMPL AOH - extreme grade rarity for the date plus this is an important Top 100 variety
1884 [VAM-17] PCGS MS66 Discovery - discovery piece
1885 VAM-1B PCGS MS65 AOH - finest Top 100 example and outstanding rainbow specimen of superb envelope toning
1885 VAM-1C PCGS MS67 AOH - finest of this rare pitted reverse Top 100 variety
1885-S [VAM-2A] PCGS 65
1885-S VAM-6 PCGS MS65 AOH - finest Top-100 sepcimen
1886 VAM-1A Die 2 PCGS MS66/CAC AOH - gorgeous premium rainbow toner
1886 [VAM-6 VLDS] NGC MS67
1886 VAM-17 NGC MS65DMPL AOH - finest Top 100 example
1886 VAM-20 PCGS MS62 AOH - very sought after Hit List variety in mint state
1886-O VAM-1A 2-Clash PCGS MS62/CAC - finest specimen
1886-O VAM-8A PCGS AU58 - extemely rare variety
1887 VAM-1B PCGS AU53/CAC - one of the most sought after Hot 50 varieties in higher grade
1887 [VAM-10] NGC MS66DMPL - also have one in PCGS MS66PL
1887 VAM-12 PCGS MS64PL AOH - the early prooflike (unclashed) alligator eye is actually quite tough to locate
1887 VAM-25A PCGS AU53 AOH - higher grade Top 100 donkey tail
1887/6-O VAM-3 ANACS MS62PL AOH - the most prooflike specimen you will likely ever see
1887-O [VAM-25] PCGS MS64DMPL - extemely rare cameo in that it is fully struck on the centers
1887-S VAM-2A PCGS MS65 AOH - attributed as VAM-2, nice gem example
1887-S [VAM-5] NGC MS65
1888 [VAM-1] NGC MS65DMPL
1888 VAM-16A NGC MS66 AOH - attributed as VAM-16
1888 [VAM-21] NGC MS66/CAC
1888 [VAM-36] NGC MS66/CAC
1888-O VAM-1A2 PCGS MS64 AOH
1888-O VAM-1B EDS H1 PCGS MS64 - rare early die state in finest grade
1888-O VAM-1B EDS H5 PCGS MS64 - another rare stage in the finest grade
1888-O VAM-7A PCGS XF40 AOH - rare Hit List 40 variety, also have a PCGS XF45 details that may grade
1888-O VAM-9 NGC MS66DMPL AOH - hard to beat for this Top 100 variety
1888-O VAM-15 PCGS AU53 AOH - high grade for this tough Hot 50 variety, also have a PCGS XF45 AOH
1888-S [VAM-2] NGC MS64DMPL
1888-S VAM-6C NGC MS64
1888-S VAM-13 NGC MS65 AOH - full brilliant gem gouged eagle Hit List variety, also have a PCGS MS64 AOH
1889 VAM-19A PCGS MS65 AOH - full gem Top 100 specimen
1889 [VAM-19B1] PCGS MS66
1889 [VAM-53.2] PCGS MS65DMPL - rare gem DMPL for the date
1889-CC [VAM-4] PCGS F12
1889-O [VAM-14] PCGS MS64 - also have a PCGS MS63
1889-O VAM-20A PCGS AU55 AOH - nice higher grade example of this variety
1890 [VAM-23] PCGS MS64DMPL
1890-O VAM-10A PCGS MS64/CAC AOH - Top 100
1890-O [VAM-14] NGC MS64DMPL - high grade DMPL for the right date set
1891 VAM-2 PCGS MS65 AOH - finest graded Top 100 variety, also have a PCGS MS64 AOH
1891 VAM-2 PCGS MS64DMPL/CAC AOH - outstanding grade rarity for the date and finest PCGS-graded DMPL
1891 VAM-2A PCGS AU50 AOH - high grade mustache state of this Top 100, also have its EDS in NGC VF35 AOH
1891-O [VAM-8C] NGC MS64DMPL Discovery - grade rarity but also the variety's discovery piece
1892 [VAM-3A] PCGS MS64
1892-O [VAM-1] PCGS MS64/CAC - magnificent obverse toning and decently struck centers
1892-O [VAM-2] NGC AU58PL - nice mirrors and an affordable example of this prooflike rarity, great registry PL date filler
1892-O VAM-2 PCGS XF45 AOH - Top 100
1892-O VAM-8 PCGS AU58 AOH - finest attributed and graded PCGS specimen of this rarity
1892-S [VAM-11] NGC AU55PL Discovery - Extreme prooflike rarity, needed for those prooflike sets, also the variety's discovery piece
1893 [VAM-3] AU55DMPL - opportunity to get a rare date DMPL anywhere near an affordable price to fill that PL set space
1893 [VAM-6] AU58PL - another rare opportunity, nicer in grade but shallower in mirrors than the previous specimen
1895-O [VAM-5] PCGS AU58 Discovery - this is prooflike and I may resubmit to get it in the MS61PL holder I believe it deserves, also the variety's discovery piece
1896-O VAM-19 PCGS MS62/CAC - originally graded MS63, this lustrous and fully white brilliant specimen is an outstanding Hit List 40 example
1897 [VAM-1] PCGS MS66
1898 [VAM-9] NGC MS66PL
1898-S [VAM-15] PCGS MS64DMPL Discovery - rare DMPL in this grade, also the variety's discovery piece
1898-S VAM-15A NGC MS62DMPL Discovery - discovery piece for this extremely rare clashed variety and in DMPL state at that, outstanding rarity
1899 [VAM-6A] PCGS MS65 - finest known, pitted reverse
1899-O VAM-4 PCGS AU55 AOH - attributed micro o
1899-O [VAM-15] ANACS MS64DMPL
1899-O [VAM-37] PCGS MS66
1899-S [VAM-9] NGC MS65PL
1900 [VAM-15] NGC MS65DMPL - extremely rare gem DMPL, as described in Wayne Miller's book, outstanding buying opportunity
1900-O [VAM-21F] PCGS MS65DMPL
1900-O [VAM-51A] PCGS MS66
1901 VAM-3 PCGS VF30 AOH - shifted eagle Top 100
1901 VAM-5 PCGS AU55 AOH
1901 VAM-7 PCGS MS63/CAC AOH - by far the finest known of this rare Hit List variety
1901-O [VAM-47] NGC MS65PL
1901-S [VAM-9] NGC MS62DMPL - extremely rare DMPL date, weakly struck, toned
1901-S [VAM-11] ANACS MS61PL Discovery - variety's discovery piece and rare in prooflike
1902 VAM-4 PCGS MS63 AOH - Top 100
1902-O VAM-3 PCGS F12 AOH - micro o attributed on graded holder
1902-O VAM-26A PCGS MS65 - finest known of this extremely popular and rare clashed variety
1902-O VAM-43.2 PCGS MS63 AOH - tough Hit List 40 doubled ear in mint state
1902-O [VAM-44B] NGC MS65DMPL Discovery - excellent gem DMPL for the date, but also the variety's discovery piece
1902-S [VAM-3] PCGS MS65
1903 [VAM-6] PCGS MS66PL - the finest prooflike specimen I have ever seen for this date
1903 VAM-6A NGC MS65 - finest known for this variety
1904-O [VAM-22A2] PCGS MS66/CAC
1904-S [VAM-8] NGC MS65PL Discovery - Extreme prooflike rarity and variety discovery coin, outstanding attractive specimen with idet=ntifying planchet flaks on the denticle stars at 9:00
1921 VAM-24A3 PCGS MS62 - might be the finest known of this rare variety
1921-D VAM-3A PCGS MS66/CAC AOH - finest known of this coveted variety
1921-S VAM-1B6 PCGS MS64 AOH - high grade Hit List 40 thornhead, the most common state of the 1B dies
1921-S VAM-1AB2 PCGS MS65 - by far the finest of few known for this variety
1921-S VAM-31 PCGS MS64+ Discovery - discovery piece for the variety, only one known thus far, has claims to being prooflike, and close to looking like a Zerbe
1922-D [VAM-1T1] PCGS MS65 Discovery
1924 [VAM-8C] NGC MS66
1925-S [VAM-1A2] NGC MS64
1926 VAM-1A PCGS MS63 AOH - finest grade Elite 30 coin at PCGS
1934-D [VAM-5B] PCGS MS65
1935-S [VAM-3] PCGS MS65
1935-S VAM-6 PCGS MS64 Discovery

I have thousands more, many on my websitewebsite.

Outside the silver dollars, I have an extremely rare Fugio cent. It is the KN-4E variety in NGC AU58BN. These have very few rare appearances and generally in low grades with problems.

Any interest in these or other coins I have or might have, you can contact me through my website formmy website form, here, at VAMworld, at the SSDC Registry (which I built and run), or my email if you have it.

In case you don't know me, I am John Coxe. Been doing this for decades and as a licensed business in San Diego since 2004. I am a life member and on the Board of the Society of Silver Dollar Collectors (SSDC) and an associate life member of the National Silver Dollar Roundtable (NSDR).
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