What's the longest National Bank name?

In the process of transcribing the Smithsonian's NBN proofs, I came across the longest bank name I'd ever seen: The Oklahoma Stockyards National Bank of Oklahoma City.
Are there any longer ones out there?
Are there any longer ones out there?
Intrigued by all things intaglio.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Co-Operative National Bank of Cleveland
HA Link
Aquidneck Bank Link
One more link that's quite interesting
Aquidneck Bank Link2
Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM
There was an original connection to the hospital and a final connection to the Aquidneck bank.
Now to complete the story, we need Rhode Island Hospital Nation Bank information.
There was an original connection to the hospital and a final connection to the Aquidneck bank.
It's already there in the great link provided by tech:
Thanks for the link. It was very interesting. I still don't see Tech's link to that bank.
EDIT: Found it. It certainly was not an obvious link.
The auction description says this one is the longest.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Co-Operative National Bank of Cleveland
HA Link
cool and its a mouthful to say as well.
The Locomotive Engineers get an extra point for a 5 digit charter number and another 0.5 point for the region letter.
Here's a large-size Aquidneck:
By the way, here is our discussion of this same topic from a few years back. According to MEC2, Rye National Bank is the shortest. I'm not sure if we're counting spaces and state names in these.
I checked the Smithsonian's large-size proofs for the B of A, Charter 13044. But the bank went by a shorter name then. The currency gets smaller, the name gets longer -- go figure!