Genuine holders...what do you do with them?
what usually happens with me is,membership time rolls around and I really do not have any high grade coins lying around to submit.I end up sending less desirable candidates.most recent example,sent in 1846 and 1849 one cent,1877 quarter and a 1909 $5 gold piece.the quarter came back vf 20 ,the gold au58,the 1846 vf details with enviro dmg and the 1849 vf details with graffiti.I am now the proud owner of about a dozen gennys.Curious as to what others do with their gennys....maybe start a cripple box of 20? just noticed I posted this on the wrong forum,sorry
Some I agree with, once they came back, I could see what the issues were. Otheres I think might have been a bad day and may go back sometime
I have reached the age where, if it does not PLEASE ME GREATLY to gaze upon it, it goes out of my life and I am happier.
Even if it's at a loss because NO loss is greater than your loss of confidence.
This I submit in good conscience.