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How good are today’s currency shows for collectors?

On another thread it was mentioned how poor a certain show was this year. Many of the comments were probably from people who had tables and sales were not so good. I was just wondering how today’s shows compare to those in the past, especially for collectors.

Last year I went to a show, gave an hour’s invited talk and won first in show for a related exhibit. I got to talk to a few people. That all felt really good! However, I did not come home with a single note. Because the show was across the country, it set me back almost $2,000. I could have bought a nice note for that.

Given today’s internet and LIVE auctions, one can sit in an easy chair and compete against the pros to obtain good notes.

I am trying to decide whether to go to Memphis and give a talk and exhibit. Again this would be fun, but last time at Memphis, the premier currency show, I came home with one obsolete rag for $50, albeit it probably being unique. I did give a well received talk and exhibit - always fun. image

I am almost finished writing a paper on the topic of my potential Memphis talk/exhibit. Thus I will disseminate the information for everyone to read in their easy chairs.

So what are your thoughts on this subject, especially from a collector’s viewpoint?

Always looking for material from the Niagara river region.


  • mfontesmfontes Posts: 146 ✭✭✭
    I enjoy attending currency shows. There are many dealers who do not advertise on the internet, so the only way to see their inventory is to attend a show. I also enjoy looking through a large pile of notes in hopes of finding one I need. Meeting people, making deals in person, looking at great collections, and the entire experience of attending a show is better than searching the internet. With that said I don't make it to many shows anymore, because of the expense. I agree that spending 2k to attend a show is a tough call as those funds could be used to purchase currency. As much as I would love to attend the FUN show, it is 3,000 miles away from me and the expense to travel that far makes it unrealistic. In your case, if you spent 2k traveling and only purchased a $50 note, then theoretically that note cost you $2050 and that is a tough purchase to justify.

  • lettowlettow Posts: 80 ✭✭✭
    I go to shows mostly for camaraderie.

    I spent more on gas, tolls and parking than I did at CPMX yesterday but re-connect in with colleagues I see only 2-3 times a year is worth it.
  • larry510larry510 Posts: 566 ✭✭
    The Long Beach show is best for us since it is only 30 minutes away and three times per year. They offer free admission and parking is only $5 per day. It draws good crowds too compared to other shows but it is mostly coins. Still I can always find notes at bargain prices to buy and we do grading submissions and pick ups there.

    Went to Memphis a couple of years ago and it did cost around 2 grand for the trip. Thinking about doing it again this year after missing last year but not looking forward to the cost as Memphis is very expensive to fly to from So. Cal and no non stop flights. Once they move it to KC, St Louis or anywhere other than Memphis it should be much cheaper for us.
  • Over the last 25 years, I would say it's always been hit or miss. Of all the shows I have gone too, most of them I have been there at least 5 or more times. That includes both the local small shows and large regional shows. Sometimes you find great stuff and run out of spending money, other times I've walked away with nothing. As mfontes mentioned, there are still alot of dealers that don't do the internet or keep a current inventory list for anyone to see it from the arm chair. The only way to dig through their inventory is in person. I also get alot of notes by word of mouth. The dealers get to know me and what I am looking for then they bring it to the next show the next time.... It's always worth going if you ask me. If you miss one, that might be the one that had that great deal someone else got.
    Come and see a forgotten piece of history.....


    Always looking for more depression scrip -- PM me if you have any for sale or trade
  • larry510larry510 Posts: 566 ✭✭
    There are a number of small local shows here in So Cal but unfortunately they have become nothing more than a rut of the same dealers, same inventory that doesn't move with moon prices on everything. I'm guessing it's mostly a bunch of dealers who don't really care if they sell anything and are really there for the socializing. They like to price everything so it doesn't move and will just make their display cases look good. Too bad it's turned into that because back in the 80's dealers actually wanted fast turnover and were actually there to sell. Not anymore.
  • delistampsdelistamps Posts: 716 ✭✭✭
    The Spring and Fall Baltimore shows are convenient and always worth my time, while the Summer show draws a smaller crowd. The last show was good in terms of attendance but I didn't sell or buy a single note. I was still glad I took the time. I tend to zero in on specific areas I'm collecting, but judging from some of the posts over the last few months, I think I should spend more time picking through stacks of circulated notes. There are gems waiting to be discovered!
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