Strange Best Offer on Ebay, possible scam

I received a strange best offer for a note on Ebay. rbryan95 offered $45.90 on a $399.00 note. I responded with a counter offer of $398.00 knowing that he wasn't serious. Immediately after I responded a warning popped up on my computer that stated a program wanted to run, but was not known by ebay and could cause harm to my computer (I'm running Windows 10...POS...eeerrr, errrrr, clearing my throat!). rbryan95 also has 0 feedback.
I'm not sure what happened or if this is a new scam, but I would be careful with these bogus offers. I didn't allow the program to run and so far my computer is fine.... well as fine as it can be since its a PC.
Info only and this may not be anything.
I'm not sure what happened or if this is a new scam, but I would be careful with these bogus offers. I didn't allow the program to run and so far my computer is fine.... well as fine as it can be since its a PC.
Info only and this may not be anything.
Always looking for more depression scrip -- PM me if you have any for sale or trade
Are you sure it was through Ebay? It might of been a bogus link to a bogus website that looked like you were on Ebay. You put in Ebay login info, clicked the button and now it tried to install something on your PC. I would suggest you change your Ebay password immediately, just to be safe.
+1 redirect scam.
Shut off your comp and remove the battery if a laptop.
Side note, I create a second user on my comp with no admin privleges and do all my work out of there so if MalWare attempts anything it is not allowed
it was an offer from my eBay messages. I was already logged into eBay. the offer was strange, zero feedback, and when I responded a program tried to install on my computer. I don't accept anything on my computer. still not sure what happened.
Report it to Ebay
I do the same, this really does protect you a bunch.