So I Needed A Few Stamps......try to explain this one...

In need of some forever stamps(at 49 cents each) I was going to the post office anyway(to get to my P O box) so I figured I would grab some there...but,as usual(lately)the lines were long and since it wasn't urgent,I just went back home.So,I'm trolling eBay and see a note that had just sold....decided to take a look at the other items that seller had for sale and found these stamps......for $3.50 buy it now and free shipping! It's $12.50 in face and a convenient denom as well.Just got them today and they are the real deal.Sold as commems they do bring better money (on average) than face but for me to effectively fully profit from these,I will use them.I think I'm on to something with as much as I mail out.

Collector of numeral seals.That's the 1928 and 1928A series of FRNs with a number rather than a letter in the district seal. Owner/operator of Bottom Line Currency
Hope you pass the savings on to your collector friends.
Always looking for more depression scrip -- PM me if you have any for sale or trade
Used to buy old postage from stamp people at coin shows for below face to use at work. But not at that steep of a discount. Wow. Good deal and perfect denomination.
Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM
This phenomenon is known as the "float" -- the unused postage that the USPS knows is out there but has not been used. I did a rough calculation once and I came up with something over a billion dollars in mint postage, sold but not used since the 1930s. The post office would very much like to NOT have people apply this old postage, but at the rate it's being used I don't think they have much to worry about. I love putting old stamps on letters, but I always use printed postage online for packages -- for the simple reason that it is trackable and buyers can't claim that their order never arrived (which has happened before when I've used stamps).
So I spent them. Took me and another friend over 5 years to use them all and they were sure some funny looking packages, used truck fenders that I sold on ebay with hundreds of 29 cent stamps glued to the big dirty cardboard box. But it saved us $3000 and now all the post office clerks know me!