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Can I consider this a two for the price of one note?

I get a nice $20 to add to my 1969B collection AND an error note for my error collection--two for the price of one?


Montani Semper Liberi (Mountaineers are always free)


  • TookybanditTookybandit Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭
    Nice $20! Cool shift, looks really nice!
  • techwritertechwriter Posts: 584 ✭✭
    Nothing wrong with a "two for..." image
    Looking for CU $1 FRN 05232016 - any series or block. Please PM
    Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM


  • numbersmannumbersman Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭
    perfect.....I mean,for an imperfect.DBL your pleasure!
    Collector of numeral seals.That's the 1928 and 1928A series of FRNs with a number rather than a letter in the district seal. Owner/operator of Bottom Line Currency
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