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fake PMG holder? they spelled "Insufficient" wrong


  • SlasherSlasher Posts: 33 ✭✭✭
    Greg I'll field this one. It's not a fake holder. Over the past decade you could have formed a very nice collection of PMG "error" holders which include lots of misspellings, attribution errors, authenticity errors, etc.
    To be the man, you've gotta beat the man!!!
  • larry510larry510 Posts: 566 ✭✭
    Yes I've seen a number of PMG holder errors.
  • delistampsdelistamps Posts: 716 ✭✭✭
    An error on an error. Too bad it's not an error on an error on a star note!
  • gdavis70gdavis70 Posts: 256 ✭✭✭
    Which is weak because it means their software makes them hand type everything on the label.

    Something like Insufficient ink should be a defined error they choose from a list.... this way they 1) don't have to type it and 2) it's always spelled correctly.

  • synchrsynchr Posts: 1,411 ✭✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: gdavis70
    Which is weak because it means their software makes them hand type everything on the label.

    Something like Insufficient ink should be a defined error they choose from a list.... this way they 1) don't have to type it and 2) it's always spelled correctly.

    and is a field in their database rather than just comment text
  • Block Unknown? Looks to me that it's AB block!
    So many notes to collect. So little time to do it.
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