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M&M Hoard

Doing a little research into a note that I recently acquired (1891 $5 Treasury Note) I discovered that it had been part of the "M&M Hoard". From what I can tell, a collector asked a vendor at a North Carolina flea market if he had any paper money, and the vendor pulled out a shoebox from behind his booth that contained over a hundred nationals and large size type notes. The notes ranged from 1882 brown backs to 1902 date backs.

Do any of you know anything more about this hoard?



  • TookybanditTookybandit Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭
    Wow, that would be a great day!!!
  • rbethearbethea Posts: 134 ✭✭✭
    Manifest auctioned it last year. Here is their summary:

    The M&M Hoard
    You will see 20 different national banknotes described as being from The M&M Hoard or M&M Discovery. These are the best notes of a group of more than 100 nationals and large size type notes that were discovered at an eastern North Carolina flea market in December of 2014. They were relegated to a shoebox behind the vendor’s booth. Our consignor happened to ask if the seller had any paper money – proving yet again that it never hurts to ask. Many of the notes have a penciled price on the back right margin of the note. It looks like most everything was just priced as a factor of face (most $10 notes were priced at $15). It is fair to assume that the penciled prices date to the 1950s, or maybe even earlier. Nothing in the hoard was newer than a 1902 date back or older than an 1882 brown back. Our theory is that this is a cash hoard that was put away in the early 1910s, discovered again in about 1950, priced and sold for a little bit more than face, and then squirreled away until it was purchased intact at the NC flea market late last year. It produced a lot of rare Ohio material. But the Ogden, UT red seal is certainly the highlight.
    Check out my world paper money collection at papermoney.x10.mx
  • CurrenSeeCurrenSee Posts: 85 ✭✭
    Holy moly. That's an incredible find. Any links to where these notes were auctioned off?
  • sellitstoresellitstore Posts: 3,007 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Enough stuff out there to keep things interesting.

    Manifest sold nationals
    Collector and dealer in obsolete currency. Always buying all obsolete bank notes and scrip.
  • It was a cool group and one of those deals that happens less and less. The whole deal really wasn't worth more than about $50,000 though. I don't have time to type it all out, but if you see me at a show, just ask about it.
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