RAW nice 'uns, Sharp with no creases #109 Wilks $6 #132 Kluttz $7 #134 Tipton $20 #135 Howell $15 SOLD #137 MCMillan $15 #138 MacDonald $20 #139 Wood $15 #147 Young $15 Pending #160 Friend $10 SOLD
#307 Campos EX bit o/c $12
321 Joe Black $240 326 P Tape on front Shuba (dodger) $70 329 delock $175 334 Mizell $250 351 F tiny paper missing on reverse Dark $110 360 Crowe $225 391 P CREASING Chapman $80
Campy "missing r" on reverse, one day it will be added to THE BOOK
Also, many variations, printing errors and the like not listed below
1952 topps frank House Yellow Tiger PM signed 1952 topps PM
Low grade
#154 $5
#162 #8
#163 $5
#165 $5
#166 paperloss on front $3
#167 $5
#168 tackhole $3
#171 $10
#4BB $5
#16rb $5
#22 rb(paper stuck onback) $5
#43 BB $5
#54 RB $5
#78 BB $5(small pen on back)
#84 either $4
#93 $4
#96 $4
#116 $4
#117 $4
#121 $3
#127 $5
#139 $5
#153 tack hole $3
#180 $15
#183 $5
#185 $6
#186 Wrtingon back $5
#187 $7
#189 $8
#197 $5
#201 #5
#205 $5#218 $4
#225 $5
#235 $5
#241 $4
#247 $3
#251 $10
#255 $5#264 $5either $5
#306 $8
#307 light crease well centered $15
#307 Ex+ $70
#307 Nm $150
Straggler #182 $7
RAW nice 'uns, Sharp with no creases
#109 Wilks $6
#132 Kluttz $7
#134 Tipton $20
#135 Howell $15 SOLD
#137 MCMillan $15
#138 MacDonald $20
#139 Wood $15
#147 Young $15 Pending
#160 Friend $10 SOLD
#307 Campos EX bit o/c $12
321 Joe Black $240
326 P Tape on front Shuba (dodger) $70
329 delock $175
334 Mizell $250
351 F tiny paper missing on reverse Dark $110
360 Crowe $225
391 P CREASING Chapman $80
Campy "missing r" on reverse, one day it will be added to THE BOOK
Also, many variations, printing errors and the like not listed below
1952 topps frank House Yellow Tiger PM
signed 1952 topps PM