is there a list that shows the names/types of postal currency?

in Stamps Forum
With the coin shortage at the outbreak of the US Civil War, stamps were being used for small change. This led to the printing of postal currency aka fractional currency in 1862.
I am not a stamp collector, but these issues overlap into my hobby of currency collecting. With currency, we have the Friedberg catalog for the names of the different issues of currency. How do stamp collectors name these Postal Currency issues? Is there a list somewhere? Each of the four denominations ($.05, .10, .25, and .50) also have four subvarieties. Perforated, vs straight edge AND with vs without ABNCo monogram. This means 16 varieties of postal currency in that first issue. The designs were overhauled within a year or two because of counterfeiting and that led to fractional currency with the bronze oval.
I am not a stamp collector, but these issues overlap into my hobby of currency collecting. With currency, we have the Friedberg catalog for the names of the different issues of currency. How do stamp collectors name these Postal Currency issues? Is there a list somewhere? Each of the four denominations ($.05, .10, .25, and .50) also have four subvarieties. Perforated, vs straight edge AND with vs without ABNCo monogram. This means 16 varieties of postal currency in that first issue. The designs were overhauled within a year or two because of counterfeiting and that led to fractional currency with the bronze oval.