A New National w/ a Little Something Special!

Here's a new pick up that I'm super excited about! It's a common bank with a high print run and examples are plentiful. However, a note from the tenth sheet printed is definitely something special!
Thanks to a forum member for releasing this one back into the wild for it to be caught by a happy collector!
Thanks to a forum member for releasing this one back into the wild for it to be caught by a happy collector!

Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM
Congrats (and you need to find one of the quite plentiful latter printings for comparison)
Here are both notes for comparison:
BTW, the definitive article on the subject was in the Jan/Feb 2014 Paper Money which is also available on the SPMC site. I don't have any 9xxx charters in "my" area so its fun to see the dramatically low charter number on your note.