Looking for Info on this Advertising Note

I know absolutely nothing about advertising notes but a friend whom I have done business with in Sweden has posted a picture of a note on the IBNS forum and is asking for any information that might be available on this note:

In particular I'm interested in knowing the date of issue (is 1869 correct?) rarity and potential value. Thanks for the help!!

In particular I'm interested in knowing the date of issue (is 1869 correct?) rarity and potential value. Thanks for the help!!
Check out my world paper money collection at papermoney.x10.mx
$3 advertising note
These were mass printed without the local merchant information and sold to many local printers who customized them for local merchants. They date 1869-70s, when 1860s Legal Tender Notes were still in circulation. They were pretty widely used throughout the U.S. but Western and Southern ones are scarcer.
Yes, condition is rough on this one and on many others as the paper quality is not nearly as good as banknote paper. I'd value your example at $20-$30, maybe a bit more to the right person.