Any PCGS currency specials at upcoming shows? Been getting PCGS Coins specials emails

I'm also registered to receieve PCGS coin emails and I've been getting several interesting emakils on specials regarding $10 crossovers at Long Beach, special holder labels for that show, on sight grading, etc.
Is PCGS currency considering anything similar?
I noticed at Tampa that the PCGS presentation had no currency topics, but was all coins...
Is PCGS currency considering anything similar?
I noticed at Tampa that the PCGS presentation had no currency topics, but was all coins...
President, PCGS Currency
I'm only over there selling off stuff to buy currency and thought it might be same
PCGS Currency is not affiliated with PCGS coins, so we wouldn't have been a part of the PCGS coins presentation at Tampa. We also will not be attending the Long Beach show, as Collectors Universe (the parent company of PCGS coins and the owner of the Long Beach show) is blocking us from having a table. Edit; I bolded part of the above for emphasis.
Well that is total
Long Beach is considered a major show, they should not be allowed to dictate who (especially an industry leader) is not allowed to participate without just cause. I would hazard a guess that Lyn Knight would be 'tarred & feathered' if he tried something like that at FUN or Memphis.
Dad 1916-2014
PCGS Currency is not affiliated with PCGS coins, so we wouldn't have been a part of the PCGS coins presentation at Tampa. We also will not be attending the Long Beach show, as Collectors Universe (the parent company of PCGS coins and the owner of the Long Beach show) is blocking us from having a table. Instead, we are attending the Berlin show next week and will be offering on-site grading specials there. We will continue to post show updates and show specials here (at least as long as we are able), and we will update our website with this information as well.
Well maybe our time here should come to an end...
If you build it, I will come...
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.
Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!
Looking for $50 FRN 00000061
Have they read their own press releases when they got rid of PCGS-C?
Effective February 4, 2009 .....Michael Haynes (CEO of Collectors Universe) stated that the currency market size was to small and that "... it is logical to sell PCGS Currency services to Jason Bradford as not only the leader of the business, but one of the top currency experts in the world."
Well maybe our time here should come to an end...
If you build it, I will come...
Guys, the big problem with that is the "legacy/history" aspect. Countless people use, have used, the Collectors Universe portal to access PCGS Currency. Why should We, Jason, & PCGS Currency be forced to start a totally new forum? Jason said they legally bought the rights to this forum when they acquired PCGS Currency. All of our "history" (posts, pictures, private messages ect..) would go poof!!, into internet heaven. Only CU wins doing that, and that is not what we want. They are doing everything they can to force us/Jason to capitulate and give-up/steal back the PCGS Currency label. It's too bad Jason wasn't independently wealthy so he could hire a hundred lawyers and sue the crap out of CU!!
Edit: KT5Silver posted some very relevant points while I was composing my reply (I'm slow, took me about 30 minutes to put my thoughts together).
Dad 1916-2014
"I want now what I didn't want then because someone else made it successful".
Many a "country song" have been written. Know what I mean Vern??
Dad 1916-2014
It's all going to come down to give and take and how much money one side is willing to pay and give up.
I knew as soon as I heard and saw the legal paperwork that it was going to take at least a year. GOD do I wish attorneys moved faster but I swear GOD put some kind of screwed up "SLOW" gene in their DNA.
That and you really do have a "David & Goliath" lawsuit here. CU has plenty of money and can drag it out as long as they want to. Not saying Jason does not have money as well, but when your up against a company that has multiple revenue streams (PCGS/CU) flowing in compared to 1 revenue stream (PCGS-C) it can be tough.
I've done my share of lawsuits and they all suck. I have never seen one where a single party gets everything they want. It's always been how much did one side give up to end the suit and move on and continue business. The longer it drags out, the more money you feed those bottom feeders called attorneys. Sorry if any of you members are attorneys, It's just my opinion as I have dealt with so many over the past 20 years that it really can drag on ones mind, body & spirit.
John DeRocker
The Rocks Collectables, LLC