Question on Value- fancy serial

What would something like this be worth? Fancy numbers aren't my thing.

Buying Athens, GA nationals and obsoletes, for my personal collection
Buying most large and small type notes and some nationals for inventory
Buying most large and small type notes and some nationals for inventory
Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM
That is a pretty sweet one.
I would say $88 would be a good idea... The upper right corner is unfortunate or there would be more room in GEM/Superb.
I wouldn't personally pay $88 but I bet if someone collected 88 that they would.
I think Greg has a pretty good handle on these kind of notes, maybe he will chime in.
my want list:
my notes for sale:
What would it be in 58PPQ?
Also, how much more for the same note in 66PPQ?
Buying most large and small type notes and some nationals for inventory
Just my opinions for retail prices
58PPQ - $40 - $88 (yes I think the range is that big depending on the collector and if they specifically collect 88 or 8's)
66PPQ - ~ $150
If you were trying to sell it to me I would be wanting to pay less than this because it is nothing I need or specifically collect.