Money Art

Hello everyone!! I'm normally over on the U.S. Coin forum. I was just going through some of my artwork I did when I attended the Art Institute of Seattle 20 years ago. I found a piece some of you might enjoy. It's certainly not up there with some of the artists like Tim Prusmack or J.S.G. Boggs. I was 19 at the time I drew this and it was for an assignment for an advertisement for a technical pen. Anyway, I hope you enjoy..
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.
Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!
Looking for $50 FRN 00000061
Always looking for more depression scrip -- PM me if you have any for sale or trade