Have you ever had someone so pissed at you for winning a lot at a public auction?

Have you ever had someone so pissed at you for winning a lot at a public auction?
I mean when you never spoke to the person about the note - not a single time. In fact you hadn't spoken to them in weeks about anything at all. You never had a gentleman's agreement to not run each other up. In fact, you never even discussed it. They simply were mad you won it, and that you outbid them.
And, you didnt even win it! You simply were sitting next to the person who did (in the auction room)!
Ever happen to you?
That's a weird situation? As a bidder in an auction, it's all about how much money someone is willing to pay. It's basically a put up, or shut up proposition. Maybe the other bidder was upset at themselves for not bidding enough money??? If that's the case, this person may try to contact you in an attempt to buy that note.
just a thought
I have outbid people, and have been outbid many times by other people. As disappointing of an experience as being out bid can be, we never got mad at anyone either way it went.
Always looking for more depression scrip -- PM me if you have any for sale or trade
sounds like a really nutty person, would never say a word to him ever again.
Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM
Why do you care that this someone is pissed? Did you find out this someone's bid ahead of time and relay it to the person sitting next to you? Do you know the person sitting next to you? Were you bidding against your friend or someone you know from the show. I don't understand why you are trying to contact this someone unless it was a friend or someone you do business with on a regular basis. I just find this story interesting because of how everyone is reacting. Someone is pissed because the person you're sitting next to won the auction? You knew this someone, but they didn't?
I have never had someone pissed at me for winning a lot at public auction or for a person I didn't even know winning sitting next to me.
In tennis we are trained to watch a players' body language and see how our opponents react after each point during a match. The reactions happening here are not what I would expect and that is interesting.
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The person next to me was Billy Baeder, a real shocker for those who know me (not!). i care because i dont like getting people upset at me when i did nothing wrong AND when it is a PUBLIC AUCTION... where anyone is allowed to bid.
I could have guessed this person was going after the note, but it is one of kind - wasnt much effort or thought needed to come to that conclusion.
i was initially trying to contact the person because i asked them how much they needed for someone they are selling on ebay... it was $40.
they i received a curt email saying "No discount for you". Thats when i emailed back and forth to find out that he was/is pissed.
then after hearing back a single time about him losing the note, the ebay item was raised to $95.
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Some of us are still okay though
And while yes, it it is a public auction and people are of course free to do what they want, there is something called business ethics. And I believe that the two of you are now business partners? So that makes you one and the same if it the note was for inventory as far as im concerned.
If it was your personal collection, then all bets are off and game on
Collector of DC Nationals (want list in yellow)
But maybe this should have been expressed in one of the emails you sent and not brought up in a public forum.
just my 2 cents.
Collector of DC Nationals (want list in yellow)
and the item is still on ebay at $95
I was hoping for either an apology or "we're good"
but i got nothing
and considering the rudeness of his initial response... and the crass move of taking the ebay item from $40 to $95... well, I dont care if its in a public forum.
i feel completely blindsided by it and i went from being shocked and hurt to now be angry
Issie, how about posting a one of a kind radar?
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