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Baseball Currency

How rare are the baseball currency notes from 1887-1893? I've seen some articles on them over the last decade showing different examples. looks like there are 8 different notes. Prices seem to be all over the board from 100-2000. I'm sure the condition is key to the price. Does anyone on the board collect these or have some images to share?


  • Jim61Jim61 Posts: 986 ✭✭✭
    Welcome aboard! I hope you keep actively posting. image


    Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!

    Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.

    Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!

    Looking for $50 FRN 00000061
  • tomtomtomtomtomtomtomtom Posts: 547 ✭✭✭✭
    There are a number of images at Heritage archives....do a search for them.


    and also eBay
  • BernyBerny Posts: 132 ✭✭✭
    Also search the forum for "basebal".

    A couple of links:



    Always looking for material from the Niagara river region.

  • Hey Tom and Jim. Thanks for the links. Yes, I have searched the HA archives and have been successful at making an offer for some of them. Ebay, has been pretty good over the years as well. It's amazing how different the descriptions are for these things. I think Jerry is writing. Another article on them as I have sent him a couple images of unique ones.
  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    welcome to the forums
  • So, what would be the best grading company to submit my entire collection to for grading? Would they be willing to holder it with the title I tell them to? Example... 1887 baseball currency (Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis team) Obsolete note, advertiser Ad script Browning Guns Ogden, Utah. Then access their condition grade.
  • TookybanditTookybandit Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭

    Our forum host PCGS Currency has crystal clear holders!! There is also another company called PMG. They are the two major grading services available and the only ones currently allowed on eBay.
  • Timbuk3Timbuk3 Posts: 11,658 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Happy New Years to you too. That's a great collection you have there, congratulations. Please share your results with us when you get them graded. Thanks !!! :)

  • sellitstoresellitstore Posts: 2,986 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thirty-three notes is a very impressive collection of these. Congratulations on assembling this many and I hope that you can continue to add more examples.

    The Schingothes had a few dozen of these in their extensive holdings but I'm not sure if they had a larger group than this. It looks like a few of these were from that collection.

    Collector and dealer in obsolete currency. Always buying all obsolete bank notes and scrip.
  • Wanted to point out a great article that Jerry Spillman did on baseball currency. It was printed in the Beckett Vintage Collector magazine which was on sale April 2018 issue. You may view it here


    I have been collecting these notes ever since I read the Bob Lemke article he did in the weekly SCD paper back in the 90s. He inspired me to collect these notes ever since. These 19th century notes also known as obsolete currency have always been fun to track and collect.

    There is a great book I would recommend anyone to buy called An Illustrated Catalogue of Early North American Advertising Notes by Robert A. Vlack. Being a type card collector (inspired by Leon long time ago), the advertisements on these notes drew me to collect them, since there are many.

    I love how they were used mainly for coupons by various merchants back in the day. Amazing how they made it out West to be used and the Dakota Territory when it was called Deadwood. As you can see these scare notes were all over the place and used by many.

    So, I wanted to post my personal checklist to update all the work Jerry has done. I appriciated hard work collectors have done and sharing their knowledge which took them decades to acquire.

    This list will only get bigger as new discoveries happen every year. These notes are collected by both currency and sport collectors. Please post or message me if you own any notes not seen on the list below. Would love to keep up with all I can.

    2019 Baseball Currency Checklist:

    1887-93 Baseball Obsolete Currency Notes 141 known

    1887 Chicago 35 known

    Thorrington's/ Footwear - Denver, CO
    C.H. Reeves & Son - Clothier - Aurora, IL
    Wallblom & Thoorsell/ Furniture House - Chicago, IL (2 known)
    USW Fish - Dry Goods - Pecatonica, IL
    Baker & Watson - Guns Sporting Goods - Terra Haute, IN
    Economy Boot & Shoe House - Footwear - Saginaw, MI
    M. Stern - "The Fair" - Clinton, IA
    Hart Bros & Co - Clothier - Warren, OH
    Hayes Bros - Jewelers - Austin, MN (3 known)
    Geo A Johnson - Jewelry - Cadiz, KY
    Monroe Route(Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Co)- Railroad - Chicago, IL (2 known)
    Morgan Bros - Ticket Brokers - Chicago, IL
    J. Pfistner - Footwear - Troy, OH
    F.P. Weaver - Furniture, Undertaker - Lockport, NY
    John A. Bailey - Auctioneer, Dealer - Chicago, IL
    Buechler & Deibel Economy Boot and Shoe House - Footwear - Saginaw, MI
    Crotty & Keenan - Clothier - Dubuque, IA
    E.E. Pettit - ???????? - Chicago, IL
    Smith's Jewelry House - Jewelry - Bellefontaine, OH
    Geo A. Johnston/ Jeweler- Cadiz, OH (3 known)
    E.G. Marriott - Footwear - Baraboo, WI Sauk County
    Browning Guns/ Payment reciet - Ogden, UT (signed by Browning)
    J.V. Schaller/ Cigars and Tobacco - Elgin, IL
    Headquarters Lower & Bellinger/ Gents Clothing - Lockpoint, NY
    The Gotham/ Stationary & News Emporium - Gotham,NY
    F.A. Kelber/ Suits - Xenia, OH
    Buker & Skinner/ Jewelry & Sporting Goods - Rockford, IL
    No Advertiser - Not known location
    Allens Clothiers & Tailors/ Clothier - Unknown location

    1887 Detroit 26 known

    Terpany & Rhoades - Footwear - Marion, OH
    J. Pfistner - Shoe Dealer - Troy, OH
    Fred Mason - Shirt Factory - Sacramento, CA
    I.X.L. - ?????????? - Santa Barbara, CA
    Heilmans - Footwear - Detroit, MI
    J. Glick Stockton Jewelry - Watchmaker - Stockton, Ca
    Central City Clothier - Clothier - Jackson, MI
    Hirshheimer Bros. - Clothier - Canton, OH
    Lower & Bellinger - Men's Clothier - Lockport, NJ
    The New York Show Store Geo. D Ryder, Proprietor - NY
    A.S. McDonald - Footwear - Los Angeles, CA (2 known)
    Morgan Bros - Ticket Brokers - Chicago, IL
    K.C. Naylor & Co - Jeweler - San Diego, CA
    G.H. Turk "The Live Clothier" - Clothier - Pontiac and Oxford, MI
    Hart Bros & Co - Clothier - Warren, OH
    Broas/ Clothing - Lansing, MI (2 known)
    Excelsior/ Clothing House - Newark, OH
    No Advertiser - Generic coupon message on reverse - Not known location
    J.C. Peet/ Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers - Rochester, NY (2 Known)
    John Shuck/ Globe Shoe Store - Findlay, OH
    C. Howe/ Gents' Furnishings - Pomona, CA
    Three C's/ Goods Union Block - Jackson, MI
    Geo A. Johnston/ Jeweler- Cadiz, OH

    1887 St. Louis 9 known

    The Merchants/ Restaurant, Oyster and Liquor House - St. Louis, Mo
    H.H. Bothe/ Vehicles - St. Louis, MO
    C.W. Mclean/ Guns & Baseball Goods - St. Louis, MO
    Schottmueller Exposition Cigar Co/ Cigars - St. Louis, MO
    Taylor & Taylor/ Pharmacy - Frankfort, KS
    White Sewing Machine Co/ Sewing - St. Louis, MO
    O'Brien & Malloy/ Clothier - Troy, NY
    The Blue Store, Smith & Humphrey/ Clothier & Hatter - Burlington, VT
    No Advertiser/ No Location Blank Note

    1887 Indian Ball Game 2 known

    Sportsmans' Park Sept 29-30, Oct 1-2/ Thos. Ward, Livery and Boarding Stable - Undertaker of Funerals - A. Zacharia's Restaurant. (2 known)

    1888 Chicago 8 known

    I. H. Chase - Clothier - Deadwood, Territory (2 known)
    Holbrook & Dyer - Footwear - Worchester, MA
    S.C. Ingraham - Jeweler - Fairbury, NE
    Linderbaum's - Footwear - San Francisco, CA
    Holder & Earle - Cigar Store - Worchester, MA
    Kesterson Bros - Clothiers - Fairbury, NE
    Ingraham/ Jewelry - Fairbury, NE

    1888 Detroit 20 known

    Henry Wingart - Groceries - Lena, IL
    Sarman's Silver Moon Cigar (Call-In Service) - Cigars- Michigan
    Plymouth Rock Pants - Pants - Boston, MA
    Jensen & Larson - Furniture, Undertaking - Clay Center, KS
    Bakrow & Goodman - Cigars - Louisville, KY
    Bay State Clothing - Clothier - Worchester, MA
    Central Photography Gallery - Photography - Oshkosh, WI
    J.W. Evans - Harness, Saddles - Warren, IL
    Lewis & Edward - Tailor - Emporia, KS (2 Known)
    Champion Maker of $3 Pants - Pants - Boston, MA (2 known)
    Smith, The Shoe Man - Footwear - New Haven, CT
    The Phoenix Building/ Shoe Store - Chicago, IL
    London Clothing Co/ Gents Funishing - Rich Hill, MO
    The Blue Store Smith & Humphrey/ Clothier - Burlington, VT
    Elliott/ Photographer - Butte, MT
    The Goodlander/ Furniture Co. - Fort Scott, KS
    O'Brien & Molloy/ Clothier - Troy, NY
    Blake & Merchant/ Clothier - Providence, R.I.

    1888 St. Louis 1 known

    London and Paris Misfits Parlors/ Factory-Seconds - St. Louis, MO

    1889 Chicago 34 known

    The Reading Shoe Store Co/ Footwear - Reading, PA
    Royal Shoes/ Footwear - New Haven, CT
    Comfort Shoe Store/ Footwear - Chicago, IL
    L&JS Claus/Groceries- Englewood ???
    Star Clothiers/ Clothier - Hutchinson, KS
    Benson & Rixon's/ Clothier - Chicago, IL
    Commonwealth Clothing House/ Clothier - Boston, MA
    Giles & Rudolph/ Men's Furnishings & Hatters - Wilmington, DE
    Globe Studio/ Photographic Gallery - Reading, PA
    Grosscup/ Tailor - Bridgeton, NJ
    Heilman's Reform Shoes/ Footwear - Reading, PA
    W.S. Hill/ Watchmaker, Jeweler - West Chester, PA
    Jarvis & Co/ Clothier - Joliet, IL
    Koch & Shankweiler/ Clothier - Allentown, PA
    Mullin & Loomis/ Clothier - West Chester, PA
    Somiesky/ Photographer - Pottstown, PA
    WM. Stuart/Furniture - Baltimore, MD
    J.H. Widmyer/ Furniture - Lancaster, PA
    Williams & Colville/ Furniture - Trenton, NJ
    Boyne & Badger/Jewelers - Charlotte, NC
    Adolph Hilb, Rochelle's One Price Clothier/ Clothier (unknown location)
    Plymouth Clothing House/ Clothier - Fort Dodge, IA
    W.C. Russell & Co Photographers/ photography - Baltimore, MD
    J. Henry Lauterbach Boots & Shoes/ Shoes - Baltimore, MD
    Burgunder & Shloss Boots & Shoes/ Shoes - Wilkes-Barre, PA
    Moth Paper from Mallalieu & Co/ Clothing, Blankets, Carpets - Baltimore, MD
    M.H. Post/ Ridding Saddles & Supplies - Wilkes-Barre, PA (No year printed)
    Lilienthal & Co/ Photographers - New Orleans, LA (green back not orange)
    Chapman & Jakeman/ Jewelry - Norfolk, VA
    H. Chaplin & Son/ Boots & Shoes - Boston, MA
    Garver & Little/ Merchant Tailors - Hanover, PA
    Hess Bros/ Shoe House - Baltimore, MD
    H.A. Scott/ Shoe Maker - Philada, PA
    SCHARTEL/ Photographer - Lebanon, Pa

    1890 Boxing 1 known

    Haymarket Theatre/ Week of Oct 12 Sullivan (Boxer) & Harrison (Actor) - Chicago, IL

    1893 N.L. All-Stars 5 known

    Arkush's Sample Shoe Store/ Footwear - New York City, NY
    Frank Foggin/ Footwear - Port Richmond, Staten Island, NY
    Thomas & Barton/ Pianos & Organs - Augusta, GA
    Sam Glock New York Clothier/ Clothier - Port Chester, NY
    Fruin The Hatter/ Hats - Brooklyn, NY

  • TookybanditTookybandit Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭

    Wow thanks for taking the time to post the info. I’ve rarely seen these notes pop up, but am always very intrigued when they do!

  • Will post another group of 30 when I get them all out. I have over 60 but don't discuss or show them off too much. Thought it was time to put more education out on them. Will be using PCGS to get graded and they better give me a great bulk discount. Lol I hope some members on here will post theirs or help me add to the list!

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