Something Ain't Right on this Obsolete

Happy New Year to everyone - trying to get the hang of this newfangled application....
Breaking down some items purchased over the past couple of months, and noted something not right with this note, SO.....
What's wrong with this note?
Breaking down some items purchased over the past couple of months, and noted something not right with this note, SO.....
What's wrong with this note?

Jim Fitzgerald
Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA">Musky 1861 Mint Set
It started to move to Illinois but never completed the trip.
It started its trip from TN.
Always looking for material from the Niagara river region.
Maybe the only such note extant.
Now, about 200 miles north of Brownsville is Marion, Il. This town also had a bank by the name of "The Agricultural Bank." Below is a spurious note (IL-465-S5) for this Bank.
Your note is a Haxby unlisted altered note from the TN to the IL bank. It might be unique. As Russell indicates, the town name of "Marion" has not yet been added.
Images courtesy of Heritage.
Always looking for material from the Niagara river region.
Always looking for material from the Niagara river region.
I'd like to call this note a work in progress, as "State of" in the upper left corner, and "Illinois" in the upper right are actually glued to the note, and the area that should say "Tennessee" at top center under Agricultural, along with "Brownsville" at bottom center under TWO DOLLARS have simply been abraided away by someone, as those areas really stand out when you candle or backlight the note.
That's a pretty remarkable item. Gotta love this sort of thing. Nice bit of detecting to tie down "both ends" as well.
My Brownsville note has a blue LA CROSSE and red "R" similar to the $5 note posted.
Sig combination is the same.
(I noticed the partial alteration right away as well)
A witty saying proves nothing- Voltaire (1694 - 1778)
An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor
does the truth become error because nobody will see it. -Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)