My 2016 FUN Experience-The Illustrated Version

With excitement and hope we arrive at the 2016 FUN show in Tampa,FL.

The breadth of the market seems a bit nervous as clouds of uncertainty loom.

Nonetheless,my wife De and I are optimistic to say the least.

Our gracious hosts were there....representin'.

Early bird gets the worm they say as my table partner Tom Gregg(Empire Rarities) and I don't hold back and let(from left to right)Don Severence,Greg McGuinn(Revered Discount Currency) and J.L.Laws(Scotsman) attack our stuff before we even put the notes in the display cases-these are some SMART buyers!

Our notes finally get laid out and on display when Mark Green(HGR)stops by-Great guy and serious buyer.Here I am trying to write up a receipt at the speed of his purchases...simply not possible.

When Steve Perakis is at your table the good stuff,or at least part of it,leaves with him.A straight shooter with vast knowledge-the kind of guy I hope to sell to!

Educational tables help our great hobby immensly and certainly deserve praise.This is dandy Don Haley(my father-in-law)who,along with many others,dedicate their valuable time and efforts to stimulate this hobby for all of us.These folks work just as hard as any dealer does but get no pay.In fact,they usually spend a fortune of their own money to stimulate the future of the hobby.I thank them all!

Doors open for the general public and business is brisk.Note the gentleman in the center with the black's a Daren Barry(K D Currency) sighting!

Tom and I are keeping pretty busy...I'm truly working up a sweat!

Here's Mike Moczalla(Heritage and all around great guy) and I arm wrestling over opening bids for my next consignment.

Here I am pleading my's a tough sell but we eventually worked it out.

Rare is a FUN show where you won't find Greg Muselli(our very own Maxcrusha)So cool that when he enters the room there's no need for air conditioning!Here you see him mesmerized by my sales technique....or maybe it's the note....maybe...

Billy Baeder (USARARE) made a guest know what,I can't help it....I like this guy!

Marc Michaelsen soon joined in.We compared bald spots and,like his acumen,he's more advanced than me.

Both Tooky AND Bandit made their presence known (I'll let you figure out which is which).These guys must have had roller skates on as they covered more ground than their next 2 competitors combined(both in and out of the boarse floor).Hey,slow down,give someone else a chance! These two need to share their secret.....they are the happiest folks you'll ever run into.Just being around them makes you happier!

Lyn Knight was set up right across from me.I was hoping to catch some inside info on upcoming consignments to his auctions....did I??.........I don't know what your talking about.....

How 'bout some inventory shots!

Sunday morning comes around and it's like a ghost town.I would guesstimate about 20% of the room stayed for Sunday.Hey,I had a sale.....sadly though,just the one.Due to the hotel checkout times,I had to pack up myself by noon,shake what few hands were still there and get out for the trip home.

Overall,my experience was very positive when it comes to sales(maybe not so much when it came to dinner!).Several folks I spoke with pre-show felt cautiously negative about the current market and there is some evidence to back up that argument.However,I find that a positive outlook often reaps a positive result.I am here to exclaim...the market may be down(in some areas) but it is certainly not out!

The breadth of the market seems a bit nervous as clouds of uncertainty loom.

Nonetheless,my wife De and I are optimistic to say the least.

Our gracious hosts were there....representin'.

Early bird gets the worm they say as my table partner Tom Gregg(Empire Rarities) and I don't hold back and let(from left to right)Don Severence,Greg McGuinn(Revered Discount Currency) and J.L.Laws(Scotsman) attack our stuff before we even put the notes in the display cases-these are some SMART buyers!

Our notes finally get laid out and on display when Mark Green(HGR)stops by-Great guy and serious buyer.Here I am trying to write up a receipt at the speed of his purchases...simply not possible.

When Steve Perakis is at your table the good stuff,or at least part of it,leaves with him.A straight shooter with vast knowledge-the kind of guy I hope to sell to!

Educational tables help our great hobby immensly and certainly deserve praise.This is dandy Don Haley(my father-in-law)who,along with many others,dedicate their valuable time and efforts to stimulate this hobby for all of us.These folks work just as hard as any dealer does but get no pay.In fact,they usually spend a fortune of their own money to stimulate the future of the hobby.I thank them all!

Doors open for the general public and business is brisk.Note the gentleman in the center with the black's a Daren Barry(K D Currency) sighting!

Tom and I are keeping pretty busy...I'm truly working up a sweat!

Here's Mike Moczalla(Heritage and all around great guy) and I arm wrestling over opening bids for my next consignment.

Here I am pleading my's a tough sell but we eventually worked it out.

Rare is a FUN show where you won't find Greg Muselli(our very own Maxcrusha)So cool that when he enters the room there's no need for air conditioning!Here you see him mesmerized by my sales technique....or maybe it's the note....maybe...

Billy Baeder (USARARE) made a guest know what,I can't help it....I like this guy!

Marc Michaelsen soon joined in.We compared bald spots and,like his acumen,he's more advanced than me.

Both Tooky AND Bandit made their presence known (I'll let you figure out which is which).These guys must have had roller skates on as they covered more ground than their next 2 competitors combined(both in and out of the boarse floor).Hey,slow down,give someone else a chance! These two need to share their secret.....they are the happiest folks you'll ever run into.Just being around them makes you happier!

Lyn Knight was set up right across from me.I was hoping to catch some inside info on upcoming consignments to his auctions....did I??.........I don't know what your talking about.....

How 'bout some inventory shots!

Sunday morning comes around and it's like a ghost town.I would guesstimate about 20% of the room stayed for Sunday.Hey,I had a sale.....sadly though,just the one.Due to the hotel checkout times,I had to pack up myself by noon,shake what few hands were still there and get out for the trip home.

Overall,my experience was very positive when it comes to sales(maybe not so much when it came to dinner!).Several folks I spoke with pre-show felt cautiously negative about the current market and there is some evidence to back up that argument.However,I find that a positive outlook often reaps a positive result.I am here to exclaim...the market may be down(in some areas) but it is certainly not out!
Collector of numeral seals.That's the 1928 and 1928A series of FRNs with a number rather than a letter in the district seal. Owner/operator of Bottom Line Currency
I'm speechless.
That's marvelous!
I've never read such a thrilling "Illustrated Version" of any show!
Thanks a lot, numbersman!
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.
Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!
Looking for $50 FRN 00000061
Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM
I did have time to stop and talk with Jim Hatch (Jim61) and Bob Azpiazu, Carl Bombara, Scott Lindquist, Lyn Knight, and others.
Family, Neighborhood, Community,
make the World a better place.
Thanks for the update Rob! Very well done.
Wishing you the best!